
Bad Man: "I am Not Sorry the CIA Waterboarded"

Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/14 12:35PM

Bret Stephens, the deputy editorial page editor for the Wall Street Journal and recipient of the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary, is a fundamentally bad person, as he explains in his newspaper column today.

Fuck Boston

Hamilton Nolan · 10/31/13 12:34PM

Last night, for the first time in 95 years, the Boston Red Sox won the World Series at home in Fenway Park. Fuck the city of Boston, in general.

Keith Olbermann Savors His Fleeting Moment Of Revenge Against Page Six

Hamilton Nolan · 07/17/08 12:57PM

Keith Olbermann and Rupert Murdoch's media empire keep adding to their illustrious history of mutual hatred. Last month, the Murdoch-owned Post's Page Six accused the broadcaster of valuing ketchup more than the memory of the newly dead Tim Russert. Earlier this week, Page Six ran a particularly provocative item accusing Olbermann of being, uh, too nice to the departed Tony Snow. And last night, Olbermann had his revenge for that; he was forced to call Page Six "sick, sick people" and big liars for all their lying lies. Click to watch his righteous thunder. We report and you decide, ha ha!

Major Ad Conglomerate Makes Bad Ads For Robert Mugabe

Hamilton Nolan · 06/24/08 08:29AM

Zimbabwean dictator and overall monster Robert Mugabe is one of the world's top bad guys. But if you're running an ad agency in Zimbabwe, hey, work is work. So a firm called Imago—owned by Young & Rubicam, the US ad giant—made a bunch of ads for Mugabe's "re-election" campaign. Now Y&R is falling over itself to cut its ties with Imago, possibly because Mugabe's wickedness has been front-page news in the US for the last week. The fun part: the ads sucked big time! Especially the one that looks like a wicked political acid trip. And we have the evidence:

Workout Star Called "Negative Icon"

Hamilton Nolan · 05/08/08 04:05PM

Jackie Warner, the personal trainer star of Bravo's reality show Workout and popular fantasy girlfriend of straight women, is facing a fan backlash for acting rude on the show. They're calling for a boycott! Apparently she fired a guy named Peeler (rudely), and now she's being branded as a "negative icon to the gay community." Harsh! Shouldn't that type of forceful condemnation be reserved for, you know, Perez Hilton? [LA Rag Mag]

We Are All Complicit In 'Moment Of Truth'

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/08 04:03PM

So, anybody catch last night's episode of Fox's show, "You're A Dirty Whore, Aren't You?" Okay, I see here the formal title is "Moment of Truth." Last night, a blonde, curly-haired hostess/ model from New York hit the trifecta by insulting her mother, insulting her friend, and proving herself to be a dirty, bad girl. Whoa, Fox was just as outraged as you were! Why is it so hard to find clean-living people for these reality shows? In perfect form, the guest proved that both her current and former boyfriend are smug assholes (simply by allowing them to show their faces), and then proceeded to confidently continue to sell her honor past the point of no return. And how much money did she walk away with in exchange? The highlight clip is below. This show makes my soul feel weird.

Investigative Team Digs Up Motivation For Being TV Jerk

Hamilton Nolan · 02/27/08 09:11AM

The New York Post this morning puts a total of four reporters on the trail of Lauren Cleri, the bad woman who ruined her husband's life on national television this week by revealing her cheating heart on the Fox show "Moment of Truth." She wasn't that hard to track down, but you need some support in touch and go reporting situations like this. The stunning headline: WIFE: I DID IT FOR THE TV MONEY [NYP]. She's still telling the truth, at least. Cleri said she was surprised at the attention the couple's meltdown in front of 8 million viewers got, because she didn't think they were "going to stand out." Well then. It's hard for her too, you know; a message on her MySpace page (below) trumpets the depth of her despair.

Lauren Conrad Tells Heidi Montag: "You're A Bad Person"

Emily Gould · 11/13/07 12:45PM

It was bound to happen eventually and, last night, it did: 'The Hills' heroine L. C. faced off with her archnemesis Heidi at a party. Heidi made friendly overtures but Lauren wouldn't talk to her unless she apologized. But Heidi maintained that she hasn't done anything wrong! (She did. Sex tape, something something). There was a lot of meaningful blinking and music that told you how to feel. Then Lauren said two profound and true things: "Having your boyfriend do your dirty work for you doesn't make you innocent" and "You're a bad person." She may not be smart, but she is a good judge of character.