
Occasional Sex Might Give You a Heart Attack

Max Read · 03/22/11 08:47PM

Everyone thinks sex is so cool. Well I have news for you, sluts: Your risk of heart failure is more than doubled during occasional sex. Sex doesn't seem so "sexy" now, does it?

Fox Reporter Attacked in Dangerous IHOP Parking Lot

Hamilton Nolan · 02/21/11 03:48PM

A reporter and a cameraperson from a California FOX affiliate were attacked and beaten when they tried to question a group of people who had gathered in a Sacramento IHOP parking lot to mourn the shooting death of a 27 year-old man in the same parking lot yesterday. The whole thing was caught on tape! Watching it is a good way to make yourself feel dirty without being able to quite put your finger on why. [Fox40]

House Votes to Defund Planned Parenthood

Jim Newell · 02/18/11 03:27PM

This is not surprising, and yet: The House has passed an amendment to the continuing budget resolution it's finalizing that would block all federal aid to Planned Parenthood. Even though providing abortions is a small part of what Planned Parenthood does—and is isolated from federal funds within the organization's structure, by law—the amendment passed 240-185. So does this mean abortion is over forever?

More Oral Sex Might Mean More Cancer

Max Read · 01/31/11 02:46AM

Oral sex is totally awesome, which means it must be bad for you in some way. And now we know how! Apparently, a rise in certain kinds of cancer may be thanks to all the oral sex everyone has nowadays.

God Not Saving Churches From Foreclosure

Hamilton Nolan · 01/25/11 11:06AM

"Since 2008, nearly 200 religious facilities have been foreclosed on by banks, up from eight during the previous two years and virtually none in the decade before that." We'll tastefully omit the gloating and obvious theological jokes. [WSJ. Photo via]

South Korea Releases Video of Commando Raid on Pirates

Jeff Neumann · 01/23/11 02:23PM

On Friday, South Korean commandos raided a hijacked ship in the Arabian Sea, and killed eight Somali pirates in the process. South Korea released the video today, and Somali pirates promised to kill any Koreans they capture from now on.

Jimmy Smits Is 'Outlaw'ed from TV

Richard Lawson · 10/12/10 09:29AM

Yet again! His Outlaw show was canceled last night, making it the third failure of this most lackluster TV season. Seriously, are there any good new shows this year? No! And poor Jimmy Smits. Can't catch a break, that one.

This Is the Worst First Day of School Since Last Year

Hamilton Nolan · 09/08/10 03:15PM

Happy first day of school! What do we have to complain about? All types of things! The schedule is stupid. The prices of school supplies are out of control. The bus is late. And hey, stop shooting us!

Leaving Las Vegas, Headed to Hell

Hamilton Nolan · 09/02/10 02:56PM

The Way We Live Now: getting out. Packing it up. Packing it in. Rolling it up. Leaving the market. Leaving the schools. Leaving the food behind. Leaving Las Vegas. Fuck it.

The Winds Are Blowing and It's Time to Get Going

Hamilton Nolan · 08/31/10 03:15PM

The Way We Live Now: stoically ignoring that which is impossible to ignore. Homeless people are everywhere, for chrissake. Investors worldwide are dumping stocks. Wages are down everywhere. A bad storm's a-coming. Cover up or get blown down.

Journalism Grad Employment Rate Lowest Since 1986

Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/10 04:11PM

A new survey of kids who got bachelor's degrees in journalism last year reveals that their average salary has stayed the same for the past three years: $0. Ha, no, it's $30k. For the 56% able to find jobs. [UGA]

Lube May Make Anal Sex More Risky

Max Read · 05/25/10 07:59PM

Today in science you can use: According to a UCLA study the use of lubricants in anal sex can increase the risk of STIs, possibly because they kill protective cells on the rectum. KY and Astroglide were the worst. [LAT]