
Hillary Clinton Receives Gaddafi News from Pregnant Huma: 'Wow'

Maureen O'Connor · 10/20/11 01:17PM

Here's a twofer for Washington gossip types: video of Hillary Clinton reacting to an early report that Gaddafi had been captured, which she reads from a Blackberry while a heavily pregnant Huma Abedin hovers over her shoulder. Says the Secretary of State upon reading the news:

Naomi Watts Contains Her Baby Bump!

Douglas Reinhardt · 10/09/08 05:42PM

Click to Megawatt movie star Naomi Watts made a quick stop at a Manhattan area Container Store to help contain and protect her developing baby bump from prying eyes, gazers, stares, and various lookie loos. Watts felt that she could have worn an outfit that may hid her bump better, but the weather was just too nice. Watts said, “I just couldn’t hid my bump on such a beautiful autumn day like today.” [Photo Credit: Bauer-Griffin] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

Will Nicole Richie's Tiny Maybe-Fetus Prevent Jail Time?

Choire · 06/15/07 08:56AM

Nicole Richie is so totally going to be the best mom! We sure hope she's pregnant. Joel Madden's fetus would be awesome for her. But crazy Page Six quotes a friend of Nicole's, saying that "Nicole is kind of hoping her pregnancy will keep her out of jail." (She's got a DUI court date finally coming.) OMG Nicole, of course it will! After all, only 1 in 10 women in California prisons are pregnant—and only 300 babies are born a year in California prisons. Why wouldn't it be different for you? Good thing she's probably not going to max security, where they make women give birth while wearing shackles!
Eating For Two [NYP]