
Meet Al Qaeda's New Acting Leader, Saif Al Adel

Max Read · 05/17/11 06:29PM

Hey guys! Can I have everyone's attention, please? Where's Heather? Does anyone know where Heather is? Well, can you go grab her? We've got a big announcement. Yes, that's right, we've decided to appoint an acting chief of Al Qaeda.

Stephen Colbert's Advice to Al Qaeda: Go With the 'Hot New Kid'

Matt Cherette · 05/13/11 02:41AM

Who will al Qaeda choose as its leader now that Osama bin Laden is no longer with us? While Ayman al-Zawahiri, the terrorist group's second-in-command, seems a likely choice, others have suggested that the much younger—and more charismatic—Anwar al-Awlaki should take the post. On tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert made quite a case for youth over experience.