
The Empire of Harmlessness: Hello Kitty at 40

Maria Bustillos · 10/31/14 01:46PM

Thirty-nine years ago in Japan, Hello Kitty, the global emissary of cuteness, made her public debut. She appeared on a plastic coin purse priced at 240 yen, or about 80 cents.

Democratic Congressman Recommends "Sexting" to Organize Voters

Allie Jones · 09/12/14 01:32PM

Rep. James Clyburn, a sweet old Democrat from South Carolina who may or may not own a cellular device, has some ideas about how to organize voters in Ferguson and elsewhere. He told a C-SPAN caller, "We've got great tools to communicate... We can text—what do we call it? Sexting. Let's do some … organizing over the Internet."

Sarah Hedgecock · 05/22/14 09:20AM

William Roletter and Paul Rowe press close to one another with their new marriage certificate on Wednesday at City Hall in Philadelphia. On Tuesday, Pennsylvania became the final Northeastern state and the 19th in the U.S. to legalize same-sex marriage. Image via Matt Rourke/AP.

Cory Booker Remembered His Girlfriend’s Birthday

J.K. Trotter · 12/16/13 11:07AM

Remember Bianca Levin, Cory Booker’s Hollywood girlfriend? The Yale grad and entertainment lawyer, first tied to Booker by Page Six last month, turned up in an Open Public Records Act request filed by Gawker for the infamously private New Jersey senator’s correspondence. Neither Booker nor Levin have confirmed the relationship, so thus far we've only had the New York Post’s good word to go on. These records appear to confirm the fling.

Cory Booker Flirted With This Portland Stripper on Twitter

J.K. Trotter · 09/25/13 04:47PM

Benny Johnson at BuzzFeed reports that Newark Mayor and U.S. Senate hopeful Cory Booker exchanged private direct messages on Twitter with a Portland stripper named Lynsie Lee last February. “The East Coast loves you, and by the East Coast I mean me,” Booker wrote in one. Lee and Booker both appeared in a movie about Twitter called Follow Friday, which appears to be why they started tweeting at each in the first place.

OMG Baby Gibbon

Anna North · 06/16/11 04:55PM

This little guy is being hand-raised by Australian zookeepers after having some difficulty with his mom. Watch him cuddle his stuffed friend. See him drink from a bottle with his weird little old-man face. Note that he has trouble retracting his tongue all the way into his mouth. Fall in love.

The Lions Club

Jeff Neumann · 12/18/10 02:53PM

The Smithsonian's National Zoo in DC today unveiled seven adorable new lion cubs, and the AP was there to document their big debut.

Dog, Sledding

Jeff Neumann · 12/17/10 08:36AM

[A husky puppy gets chauffeured around the snowy streets of Bucharest, Romania, today in a baby carriage. Also: It's Friday! Image via AP]

Watch a Ladybug Play With Sprinkles

Whitney Jefferson · 12/15/10 06:30PM

Well if this isn't the cutest thing we've seen all day... Here's video of a ladybug playing with some sprinkles—or shots and/or jimmies, depending on your location—for nearly two minutes. But are the candies too big to eat?

Choire · 08/20/07 12:25PM

Scenes from what appears to be Gawker alum Jessica Coen and her boyfriend's Amagansett beach house, where Times food writer Peter Meehan, Spotted Pig owner Ken Friedman and chef David Chang grill burgers. Update: Ah ha! Is actually their friend Ben's house! [NY]