
Terrorists Now Using Autotune to Attack America

Maureen O'Connor · 05/26/10 05:25PM

Al Qaeda's latest diabolical plot: It's staging an assault on America's eardrums and it's using autotune to do it. A pair of hip-hop jihadis—including Alabama-born convert Omar Hammami—released hot new English-language tracks on a terrorist website this week.

Indians Fight Arranged Marriages with Mustache, Auto-tune

Jon Martin · 03/01/10 04:11PM

In a country where most marriages are arranged it takes a special kind of man to cause change. Wilbur Sargunaraj is that man, watch as he uses the power of auto-tune and his mustache to end arranged marriage.

2009: An Autotuned Retrospective

Mike Byhoff · 12/08/09 05:39PM

2009 will be remembered for a lot of things. Those things will probably be remembered better if we mash 'em up and autotune them.