
Introducing the Cast of the 'Gay Housewives of New York'

Brian Moylan · 06/02/10 09:44AM

We got wind of the cast of Logo's new "gay housewives" show. And it's filled with just the fame-hungry, attractive, horrible people you could have imagined. They're all models! This is going to be a fantastic mess.

The Many Loves of Marc Jacobs

Richard Lawson · 05/06/08 12:47PM

Trendy Wendy fashion designer Marc Jacobs escorted yet another new gentleman friend to last night's Metropolitan Museum Costume Institute Gala, though no one really seems sure who he is. He could be another MySpace find, or some aspiring hanger-on who stumbled into one of the stores one day. Or he could just be a nice fellow who Marc met at the library and they like to take walks along the river and talk about Lorrie Moore books. (Though that's not, um, likely). What a revolving door this man has! Keeping all the hookers, porn stars, and Mensa members straight (heh) can be difficult. If you need a little help, we've provided some clarification (in list form, natch) after the jump.

Marc Jacobs' Special Friend Explains What "Boy Toy" Means

Ryan Tate · 04/18/08 02:51AM

Marc Jacobs' pole-vault-loving companion Austin A has issued a very unnecessary clarification: He and fashion designer Jacobs are not an exclusive couple. "I wouldn't say we're dating," Austin told, where by dating he meant only screwing each other. Yes, I think the description "boy toy" sort of implies a less-than-exclsive relationship, especially where libertine Jacobs is concerned. But you should root for Austin A because he's the boy toy with a heart of gold:

Marc Jacobs' New Boy Fends Off Unwanted MySpace Buddies

Ryan Tate · 04/14/08 11:25PM

Marc Jacobs has a new boy named Austin A, or at least he did the last time the designer's heroically freewheeling sex life made the gossip pages. Someone emailed us a link to Austin's MySpace profile along with the note, "I'm not a reporter - I'm sure you can find more." Actually, although I'm pretty sure I have a cell number for Jacobs ex Jason Preston in my mobile phone somewhere, I'm not inclined to start dialing around on this one. But here's a summary of Austin's MySpace for the obsessed-but-impatient: He's "6'1"/Athletic," from Franklin, Indiana ("F Town") and there's a video of him pole vaulting! "Pole vault without a doubt has played a major part in my life," Austin writes. Also, it seems that when you date Marc Jacobs, a lot of old friends come out of the woodwork: