
Weinstein's 'Myspace For Millionaires' Was Not The Greatest Idea

Hamilton Nolan · 07/22/08 09:16AM

Page Six today brings news of a faaabulous bash in St. Tropez on the yacht of Denise Rich, the Clinton pal and wife of disgraced financier Marc Rich. And to help her bring out the real stars to her party, Denise has teamed up with Erik Wachtmeister, who runs A Small World, the much-hyped "Myspace for Millionaires" social networking site for the rich. How symbolic! Two years ago, fading mogul Harvey Weinstein invested in ASW, which got a bunch of press casting both of them as the vanguard of the Next Big Thing. Now, they're more like a coalition of the washed-up.

Rich Begin Hating On Harvey Weinstein's Elitist Club

Ryan Tate · 02/13/08 08:40PM

Elitist social networking site is starting to annoy the pompous rich and famous it was designed to attract. In a likely effort to reverse traffic declines, the site began spamming its members to encourage them to post status updates and check out what their snooty friends are doing, a tactic that did not go over well with the "my time is money" set. Moneyed social divas, meanwhile, are not happy with "interface changes and the ever-expanding presence of advertisers," which have robbed ASmallWorld of "the same level of elitism it was once so admired for," in the words of Ashley Simko, left. If movie mogul Weinstein had a clue about the Web — ASmallWorld was heralded as his first internet investment — he would know about Metcalfe's law, which basically says that when networks compete, second place is worthless. Which is why even the riches prefer Facebook's unwashed masses to ASmallWorld's alleged elite. After the jump, evidence of just how completely Facebook is eating ASmallWorld's lunch.