
The Cost of Inflation

Brian Moylan · 10/28/10 06:40PM

[An 11-foot-tall Jeff Koons' "Balloon Flower" sculpture is on display in front of Christie's in New York. It is expected to sell for around $12 million at auction in November. We should all become artists. Image via AP]

Artist Arrested While Clearly Not Doing Graffiti

Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/10 10:51AM

Julie Torres was painting a watercolor mural on a piece of paper hung on a Williamsburg construction wall when she was arrested by undercover cops for "graffiti" this summer. Score one for law and order over harmless art!

Ambidextrous Street Artist Blows Away Onlookers

Matt Cherette · 08/11/10 07:16PM

What do you get when you take a white board, some markers, and a street artist who can create incredibly detailed and accurate drawings of animals in mere seconds—with both hands? You get this video, and it's awesome.

Cocky De Cock in Cockamamie Cock-Up

Hamilton Nolan · 07/27/10 08:27AM

Famous Belgian visual artist Jan De Cock was questioned by authorities yesterday after making a veiled threat to a flight attendant during a flight to New York. Too many cocktails? You are not the cock-of-the-walk, sir. [NYP. Pic via]

The Subway Etiquette Hero Gets a Short Film

Brian Moylan · 07/07/10 03:50PM

Shells is just like a graffiti artist: "borrowing" someone else style, coopting it as his own, and posting it illegally. So why is this new movie by Bablegum and something called WBP Labs seem like the sort of bland public service movie that your seventh grade social studies teacher would show you and that's supposed to be edgy and talk to "da kidz," but is really just the same old morality play? Don't get us wrong, we want to keep people from clipping their nails, eating, preaching, and doing other horrible things on the subway too—remember, people, only you can prevent subway horror stories—but this lame little clip doesn't do his project justice. Seriously, Jay, you deserve better.

Dutch Artists Bring the Rainbow to Rio Slums

Brian Moylan · 05/17/10 01:48PM

After an assignment filming a hip-hop documentary in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Jeroen Koolhaas and Dre Urhahn (better known as Haas&Hahn) decided to add their own flair to the neighborhood and help the community at the same time.