
Hamilton Nolan · 05/20/14 07:54AM

If you ask me, trying to sell forged Damien Hirst paintings to the rich makes you the biggest class war hero since the guy who tried to sell fake wine to the rich, not someone who deserves jail time. People who buy real Damien Hirst paintings deserve jail time.

​Who Wants to Buy Piss Christ This Thursday?

Tom Scocca · 05/13/14 12:12PM

The usually tedious one-man morality crusade Bill "Catholic League" Donohue sends along a genuinely valuable tip: On May 15, this Thursday, Sotheby's will be auctioning off a copy of Andres Serrano's Piss Christ, the maximum icon of the old Culture Wars of 25 years ago. Ask your middle-aged uncles and aunts about it.

Successful Street Artist Talks About How He Maybe Raped His Masseuse

Adam Weinstein · 04/18/14 03:17PM

A popular street artist who's rubbed elbows with Anthony Bourdain and graffitied the walls of Facebook's headquarters used his sex-talk podcast last month to describe a forceful sexual encounter with his massage therapist that sounded an awful lot like assault.

Only Officially Sanctioned Clit Art Is Allowed at Art School

Hamilton Nolan · 03/06/14 10:55AM

Santa Fe University of Art and Design boasts that it helps students to "develop their full artistic identities." Unless that artistic identity is not officially approved by the administration, in which case EVERYONE WILL BE PUNISHED. Especially if there are clits involved.

Adam Weinstein · 03/03/14 05:01PM

Pro tip: When opening your university's new art museum, don't pull an exhibition drawing attention to a famous donor's racist tendencies because it's "not aligned with the celebratory atmosphere." It's not supposed to be a celebration of your being a censoring a-hole.

Adam Weinstein · 02/25/14 09:49AM

"Two dozen never-before-exhibited" paintings by George W. Bush will anchor "The Art of Leadership," an exhibition opening April at Bush's presidential library in Texas. Reserve your tickets now. Outsider art is so hot these days.