
Artist Nic*Rad's "PeopleMatter" Exhibit: Portraits of Media

Matt Toder · 05/06/10 12:41PM

Last Thursday night, at the Rare Gallery in Chelsea, artist Nic*Rad threw a party for his latest exhibit "PeopleMatter." The exhibit is a collection of portraits of people in the world of media. Inside, Nic's thoughts on the project.

The View Whines About Their Legal Team for Censoring Picasso Painting

Whitney Jefferson · 05/05/10 10:21AM

The first "hot topic" of the day was Pablo Picasso's "Nude, Green Leaves, and Bust," which recently sold for a whopping 106.5 million dollars. Due to network standards, it can't be shown on-air extensively because it features a woman's breast.

Finches Rock Out in London Art Installation

Jessica Poolt · 05/03/10 09:00AM

An installation by artist Céleste Boursier-Mougenot features a walk through aviary furnished with guitars and other musical instruments. The flock of Zebra Finches which inhabit the space create a Hendrix-esq soundscape simply by landing on the strings.

Unofficial Subway Etiquette Campaign Launches

Maureen O'Connor · 04/20/10 05:29PM

Seat-hogs, stair-blockers, butt-touchers, open-mouth coughers: These people are bad at riding the subway, and they must be shamed. Artist Jason Shelowitz surveyed New Yorkers about their subway peeves and wrote rules around them. Now he's launching a guerrilla etiquette campaign.

The Mona Lisa Duck Hunt

Michael Jordan · 04/19/10 02:03PM

Roger Ebert once claimed that video games "can never be art." This video is a rebuttal from the Italian Association for Interactive Multimedia. Yah burnt, Ebert.

Every Painting In the MoMa in Two Minutes

Jill Lawson · 04/16/10 12:09PM

Watching this will either make you want to get your lazy ass to the nearest museum, or theoretically fulfill your monthly quota for culture in two minutes—it all depends on the type of person you are.

Stop Motion Static Graffiti is Rad

Etan Berkowitz · 04/01/10 01:18PM

Static graffiti is cool. Seeing it in motion is cooler. Seeing it in motion while manipulating real-world objects with a cool hip-hop track behind it? Awesome. This video took some obvious inspiration from the unbelievable "Muto" stop motion piece.

As Hummer Goes, So Goes America

Jeff Neumann · 03/31/10 04:13AM

Great news! The ultimate penis compensation vehicle may soon be more affordable. You just need a horse first. Artist Jeremy Dean built a horse-drawn Hummer to show everyone what our miserable future could look like. [Boing Boing, via]

The Night Brooklyn Took Manhattan

Adrian Chen · 03/18/10 10:47PM

They came on foot, by bicycle and skateboard. They filled the Soho streets like a dirty flood. Traffic was blocked and the Fire Department was called. It was an art opening for pictures of naked people and everyone was there.