
Mussolini Available For T-Shirt Appearances

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/10 04:32PM

Today's most provocative message wheat-pasted onto a Manhattan building: why does Che get all the good endorsements? Mussolini just needs a better graphic designer. This is 100% true. Kids don't know who either of them are. Click to enlarge. [Copyranter]

Would You Spend $200,000 on This Seven-Year-Old's Paintings?

Max Read · 08/03/10 01:53AM

Meet Kieron Williamson, a seven-year-old kid from Norfolk, England. Like a lot of kids, Kieron likes to paint—landscapes, mostly, using watercolors. The only difference is, Kieron just sold 33 of his paintings—for a total of $200,000.

Cocky De Cock in Cockamamie Cock-Up

Hamilton Nolan · 07/27/10 08:27AM

Famous Belgian visual artist Jan De Cock was questioned by authorities yesterday after making a veiled threat to a flight attendant during a flight to New York. Too many cocktails? You are not the cock-of-the-walk, sir. [NYP. Pic via]

Take Me To Your Leader

Brian Moylan · 07/08/10 06:22PM

[Artist Tony Tasset unveiled this alien-like sculpture of a giant eyeball in a Chicago park. Godzilla has already challenged it to a fight in the World Cup for Monsters. Image via Getty]

Original Super Mario Played on Sidewalk

Gene Delsener · 07/08/10 11:27AM

It's hard to conceptualize the layout of one of the original Super Mario levels, but this German artist did just that by laying out a game over a stretch of sidewalk. Click to see Mario traverse the real world!

Mind Blowing Street Art Explains Life on Earth

nightintern · 07/07/10 05:37PM

Italian street artist Blu brings his paintings to life—literally—by animating them into a continuing sequence of flowing images. The detail provided for each individual image is immense and the final outcome rivals anything ever produced by CGI.

Sen. Al Franken 'Takes Notes' During the Elena Kagan Hearings

Max Read · 06/30/10 03:08AM

Senator Al Frank (D - MN), as bored as the rest of the country, sketched his colleague Jeff Sessions (R - AL) during the Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's confirmation hearings. Click through for a bigger image and side-by-side comparison.

Using His iPad, Artist Finger Paints Man's Portrait

Matt Cherette · 06/28/10 12:38PM

Every day, it seems a new iPad feature gets demonstrated on the Internet. Watch as artist David Kassan uses his iPad and the Brushes app to finger paint a man's portrait with a stunning level of detail. Electronic art, indeed!