
Artist Arrested While Clearly Not Doing Graffiti

Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/10 10:51AM

Julie Torres was painting a watercolor mural on a piece of paper hung on a Williamsburg construction wall when she was arrested by undercover cops for "graffiti" this summer. Score one for law and order over harmless art!

abalk · 10/01/07 08:30AM

As part of a settlement between Conrad Black and the convicted fraudster's bankrupt Ravelston Corp., the convicted fraudster will pay nearly $400,000 to buy back a portrait of himself painted by the late Andy Warhol. "Andy used to take a Polaroid shot, blow it up, put it on four silk-screens of different colours, and sell them. We got on very well, so he sold me all four for the price of one.... He was a very entertaining character." [The Globe & Mail]