
Internet Controversy Amusing

Hamilton Nolan · 07/15/16 09:55AM

Sometimes, people on the internet argue about things. But what unites us all? Laughter.

Why Am I Always Defending My HBCU Education to Other Black People?

Julian Kimble · 03/27/15 10:30AM

I was destined to attend a historically black college or university (HBCU) once my parents met at Delaware State decades ago. Fate resulted in a childhood characterized by religious viewings of A Different World. Aside from sending me on an early quest for my real-life Denise Huxtable, the Cosby Show spinoff helped frame the black college experience that my parents and their friends had long told me about. This made the decision to attend an HBCU simple, especially after dealing with the "too black, not black enough" paradox of growing up in an all-black neighborhood, attending a predominantly white high school, and not fitting perfectly into either environment.

New York Times: "Pizza Is Meh"

Sylvie Krekow · 01/27/14 09:36PM

Today, The New YorkTimes posted a defense of their inclusion of “pizza” on the “Meh List,” whichthey call “a much-beloved and much-maligned part of the One Page Magazine.” Upuntil now, I was unaware that the “Meh List” was “much-anything,” but now that theGrey Lady herself has dragged pizza into the mix, I must step in.

What Colors Are Your ABCs?

Tom Scocca · 09/26/13 02:58PM

The six-year-old had to have brought it up, because I can't imagine how I would have. But the argument flared so fast I don't really remember how it started. A is red, he was saying, and B is blue.

Lunchtime Poll: Summer Clothes vs. Winter Clothes. WHO YA GOT?

Drew Magary · 09/11/12 01:25PM

I walked outside the other morning and, for the first time in eons, the temperature was below 60 degrees. And I was so excited for the cool air that I pulled my shirt away from my body and let it waft up my torso. "Here, nipples! Taste the refreshment!" Then I immediately ran into the house to announce the conditions to the rest of my family. "It's kinda cool out there! We may need pants!" Pant weather is quickly approaching and now is the time to think about which is the most enjoyable wardrobe for you, the average American man/woman/manwoman.

Room For Debate: What Kind of Drug is Rihanna Doing On This Man's Head?

Gawker Staff · 04/19/12 02:04PM

The New York Times' "Room For Debate" is an entrancingly dumb recurring feature in which they get a handful of vaguely qualified people to opine on various important questions such as, "Is Veganism Good For Everyone?" As we have done before, we now offer our own perspectives on an issue of substance: "What Kind of Drugs Did Rihanna Pour on This Man's Head?" Please see this controversial photo of Rihanna preparing to do drugs off of a man's head at Coachella this week for reference.

Counter-Counterpoint: ...Says the Guy Who Got the Fuck Out of the Advertising Industry

Hamilton Nolan · 03/26/12 03:30PM

Ah, Drew. A list of famous writers and artists who once worked in the advertising industry is not an argument in favor of the advertising industry. It's an argument in favor of getting the fuck out of the advertising industry. We recognize Salman Rushdie's name because he did not stay in the advertising industry. We can all take this as a lesson.

Millennials Are Too the Best Generation!

Hamilton Nolan · 03/16/12 12:45PM

Haters: when will this "Millennial" generation get to stop dealing with them? Probably never, if a new study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (and Haterz) is any indication. Contrary to the common knowledge on Twitter that Millennials are the most special and in general best generation thus far, the study found that they are, in fact, "more civically and politically disengaged, more focused on materialistic values, and less concerned about helping the larger community than were GenX (born 1962-1981) and Baby Boomers (born 1946 to about 1961) at the same ages."

Room for Debate: What Color Is Best?

Gawker Staff · 12/20/11 05:05PM

All year long, we've been entranced by the New York Times feature "Room for Debate," in which six people each share short opinion essays on a controversial topic—important and relevant questions from "If store-bought donations at the school fund-raiser are so wrong, what's the solution?" to "Is Anti-White Bias a Problem?" to "Rising Wealth Inequality: Should We Care?" In that spirit, we've decided to host a small "Room for Debate" amongst the Gawker staff, around the topic: "Which Color Is Best?"

Are Doormen Necessary?

Brian Moylan & Hamilton Nolan · 09/08/11 01:10PM

People move to big, bad New York City, puff out their chests, and declare that they're ready to take on the world. If they can make it here, they can make it anywhere! But they can't make it without a smiling babysitter paid to open the door for them. Or can they?

In Defense of Shit Talking

Hamilton Nolan · 06/28/11 01:44PM

New York Times media guy David Carr is in big trouble for going on Bill Maher's HBO show and making a joke about how Kansas, Missouri, and other "middle places" are "the dance of the low sloping foreheads." (That means "dumb," for anyone reading in Kansas or Missouri.)