
Jews Arrive, Give Nantucket Blues

Choire · 08/07/07 12:00PM

Men's Vogue fella Hud Morgan is finally reporting in from somewhere as WASPy as his name: Murray's, on Nantucket's Main Street, where the pale people buy those heinous Nantucket Reds. But bad news!

Topsy Turner's Rhode Island Nap House

Joshua Stein · 08/02/07 10:20AM

In today's Home and Garden, readers stuck in a hot and humid New York are able, via a fun slide show, to peek into the high-WASP corners of Rhode Island, that little state that (yes!) borders New York. The little mental vacation was fun and infuriating. And it raised questions!

'Post' Fashion Coverage Has Some Holes In It

Emily Gould · 08/01/07 12:40PM

Just in case you're getting your fashion advice from the New York Post, um, maybe don't? Today's style spread is about the rise of the "monokini," which they define as "a one-piece with slits or cutouts." These don't look good on anyone, even supermodels. They make Paris Hilton look decidedly pear-shaped (well, she is!). And they give you bizarro tan lines. But, hey, ladies, maybe go for it because "if done right, the ice cream man might give you a free popsicle."