
The IRS Is More Than Four Times More Popular Than Congress

Jim Newell · 11/16/11 05:10PM

Remember that old joke regarding Dick Cheney's 18% approval rating, about how there's a higher percentage of dentists who recommend chewing sugary gum than there is of Americans who approve of Dick Cheney? Now let's do a version of that with the 112th and current Congress, with its comical, dumpy rating of 9%.

God Has a 52 Percent Approval Rating

Jim Newell · 07/21/11 01:57PM

Public Policy Polling dove into the surreal with its latest survey, asking voters, "If God exists, do you approve or disapprove of its performance?" She—that's she—scores a 52% approval rating, with 9% disapproving.

Michelle Obama Falls Back to Earth

Jim Newell · 08/13/10 05:44PM

Well, this is what you get for visiting commie Europe: Michelle Obama's approval rating has tumbled — from 64 to 50 percent — following her horribly misreported Spanish vacation. No more fancy hotels for you, you... hotel snob!