
Today's College Essay Questions Sound Like Online Dating Profile Questions

Lauri Apple · 12/10/11 04:11PM

In my day, when Kurt Cobain was president and we youngsters went to college to get jobs that actually existed, the only questions colleges asked you on their applications were these: "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?" And "Are you smart? Describe below." Life was simple then.

Is Facebook Turning Into a Scammer's Paradise?

Adrian Chen · 01/21/11 04:19PM

Facebook is being overrun by scam surveys, fake applications and bum links, according a new report by an Internet security firm. And it's getting worse by the day as scammers figure out clever new ways to trick unsuspecting users.

Come Intern for Free at Gawker So We Can Teach You How to Be Like Us

John Cook · 01/06/10 11:55AM

If you're stupid or improvident enough to covet a "career" in journalism-type-stuff, why not start with a Gawker internship? In exchange for stressful labor under constant deadlines, you'll get nothing valuable experience at whatever it is we do.