
The Washington Post Is a Bitter, Jealous Little Newspaper

Hamilton Nolan · 07/02/13 09:53AM

The Washington Post, the pre-Politico newsletter of choice for The Political Establishment, has the worst opinion section in America. Today, they once again prove why: the paper, which helped to break the NSA Prism spying story, editorializes that the U.S. government must stop Edward Snowden from leaking any more of that awful news.

CIA Spies Were Embedded Inside the NYPD

Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/13 08:11AM

A newly released 2011 report from the CIA's inspector general reveals that the CIA embedded four officers inside the NYPD's intelligence division after 9/11. The CIA, of course, is not allowed to spy on Americans. And they didn't, according to the CIA!

Secrecy Is the Problem

Hamilton Nolan · 06/26/13 12:11PM

Some people say that Edward Snowden is a hero because the secret NSA spying program that he exposed was ripe for abuse. Other people say Edward Snowden is a villain, because the program seemed to be well-run and lawful. Both of these positions are grounded in fantasy. Nobody knows whether the government's power was abused; it's a secret. That's the problem. That's the point.

Five Things We Learned About Unemployment

Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/13 12:33PM

Our "Unemployment Stories" series went on for 40 volumes over the course of a year. You can read them all here. If you'd like a Cliff's Notes version of what we've learned about unemployment in America, a few thoughts are below.

Dan Brown's Ideal Reading Experience Is Not Having to Read

Hamilton Nolan · 06/20/13 01:25PM

How did Dan Brown, the immensely popular and successful bad writer behind such hits as The Da Vinci Code and Hey, There's a Treasure Map Under This Painting!, get to be such an immensely popular and successful bad writer? He just loves "reading," meaning "listening to stuff."

Blimps Are Back

Hamilton Nolan · 06/14/13 12:31PM

The first golden age of floating dirigibles ended on approximately May 6, 1937. The new golden age of blimpity bleep bloop blimps starts right now!

Kill High Frequency Trading

Hamilton Nolan · 06/13/13 12:24PM

There is currently a minor uproar over the revelation that various non-governmental groups sell early access— two seconds early—to their market-moving news releases to paying customers, who can then trade on that information before everyone else. This points to a larger problem: the entire institution of "high frequency trading" has no public benefit, and tons of risk.

Do Criminal Background Checks Hurt More Than They Help?

Hamilton Nolan · 06/12/13 10:36AM

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is suing two companies— BMW and Dollar General— alleging that their use of criminal background checks for employees violated the Civil Rights Act. Are criminal background checks, honestly, worth a shit?

Overdraft Fees Are Staggeringly Profitable

Hamilton Nolan · 06/11/13 12:30PM

Big banks have had a rough several years. They, you know, participated wholeheartedly in the near-vaporization of the global economy. They have to make up those losses somehow. Fees are the answer to everything! Do you know how much your bank is charging you, for nothing?

Costco: The Anti-Wal-Mart

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/13 04:53PM

The must-read capitalist profile of the week is BloombergBusinessweek's look at Costco and its CEO, Craig Jelinek. Costco is the second-largest retailer in America, after Wal-Mart. Their business practices could hardly be more different.

INCEST Is Now an Issue in the New York Mayoral Campaign

Hamilton Nolan · 06/05/13 09:32AM

Even for engaged citizens, the long New York City mayoral campaign can sometimes get a bit tedious. Our city's tabloid reporters work tirelessly to find fresh angles to keep readers interested. How about... INCEST? Or even, dare we say... INCEST BUNDLING?

Obama's Trade Nominee Stashes Cash in Offshore Tax Haven

Hamilton Nolan · 06/04/13 04:13PM

Michael Froman is President Obama's nominee to be the new U.S. Trade Representative, the government's top international trade agreement negotiator. Also, Michael Froman has cash stashed in the Cayman Islands and takes advantage of tax loopholes Obama has publicly railed against. Hmm.

Weed Arrests: Racist, Costly, Destructive

Hamilton Nolan · 06/04/13 10:13AM

A comprehensive new report from the ACLU about marijuana arrests in America confirms three key points: A) Weed arrests are overwhelmingly racially biased; B) Weed arrests consume an insanely large amount of money and resources; and C) Weed needs to be legalized, ASAP.