Bristol Palin Didn't Vote
Maureen O'Connor · 11/03/10 04:11PMCNN's Kyra Phillips Could Not Care Less About Kyrgyzstan
Adrian Chen · 04/08/10 07:36PMScience Proves You Can Be Bored to Death
Ravi Somaiya · 02/10/10 07:51AMHit-And-Run Apathy Video Proves People Are Bad
Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/08 08:27AM
Have you always suspected that people are fundamentally selfish, apathetic, and cold-hearted? You're right! It's proven by this video of a hit-and-run accident in Hartford, Connecticut. A 78-year-old man is struck by a car—quite an inconvenience for his fellow pedestrians and busy motorists, who all gawk openly but keep on moving. Several people reportedly called 911, but nobody bothered to, you know, go check on the guy sprawled out in the street (who's now paralyzed). Even New York's not this blasé. The video, after the jump.