
Will HuffPo 'Taint' AOL's Brand? (No)

Hamilton Nolan · 02/10/11 02:27PM

In your crippled Thursday media column: Magic Johnson saves Vibe, some jokers think AOL's brand can be "tainted," another departure from the NY Daily News, schadenfreude at CBS News, and News Corp's kitchen furniture police are out in full force.

AOL Buys Huffington Post for $315 Million

Max Read · 02/07/11 01:14AM

AOL just bought news site Huffington Post for $315 million—$300 million in cash. HuffPo founder Arianna Huffington will become editor of all AOL "content properties." That sound you just heard was the whole internet going "Whaaaaat?"

AOL Chief's Insane Content Quotas

Ryan Tate · 02/01/11 06:31PM

AOL boss Tim Armstrong wants a lot from his bloggers. He wants pageviews per story to more than quadruple. He wants total editorial output to rise 27 percent. And he wants this all by April. Uh, sure!

Bar Spy: Apple Trying To Hire a Blogger?

Ryan Tate · 10/05/10 05:35PM

Apple's PR staff would be well advised to reach out more to bloggers, or even blog on their own. So the mysterious overture Apple made to a TechCrunch editor at a Cupertino, California brewhouse could be a big positive step.

TechCrunch Sold to AOL

Ryan Tate · 09/28/10 12:04PM

Mike Arrington just confirmed the rumors: He's selling his five-year-old blog company TechCrunch to AOL. And he's sticking around for at least three years to keep running the site.

Where Do You Go to Get Angry?

Richard Lawson · 07/14/10 11:32AM

After reading the news that Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston are getting back together to live in wedded conservative bliss, I immediately went to to read the joyful comments and get angry. Why do I do this to myself?

AOL's Epically Embarrassing 'Value Destruction'

Ryan Tate · 06/16/10 07:12PM

After paying $850 million for Bebo in 2008, AOL is said to be selling the social network for $10 million or less. So, in barely two years, a near-billion-dollar deal imploded.