
Cyborg Drone Beetle Soldiers Are Coming to a Head Near You

Hamilton Nolan · 09/02/11 04:33PM

Mars rocks! Skinny gene! Saffron cancer! Body odor! Beetle drones! Intergalactic traffic! Antibiotic resistance! Old fossils! And a whole new theory of prehistoric hand axe timing! It's your Friday Science Watch, where we watch science—coleopteristically!

Bedbugs With Superbugs Discovered

Maureen O'Connor · 05/11/11 03:59PM

Bedbugs carrying a drug-resistant MRSA germ have been discovered in Vancouver. It's unclear whether the bedbugs can give the germ to humans—we might have even given it to them—but the story is pretty close to the platonic ideal for public health panics. (Needs more obesity.) It's a fractal of insidious bugs! Zoom in, zoom out, on the micro level, on the macro level: Bugs! A bugaboo of bugs, butt-ugly and bugging us until we bug out.

'Catastrophic' Super Gonorrhea Threatens American Genitals

Maureen O'Connor · 04/26/11 11:31AM

According to the CDC, close to a quarter of strains of gonorrhea in America were resistant to penicillin and other commonly used antibiotics in 2009. In 2010, some strains were also resistant to all drugs doctors have to treat the clap. Will a great clap plague kill us all? Here's the New York Daily News' summary of the "catastrophic" possibilities:

How to Avoid Catching the Brand-New 'Drug-Resistant Superbugs'

Max Read · 09/13/10 08:08PM

How are you feeling today? Feverish? A little bit under the weather? It's probably the flu, right? Or it's a new, antibiotic-resistant "superbug"! They've already appeared in three U.S. states. But don't fret! Follow our guide to stay healthy!