
A Letter from Antarctica, The Coldest Place Screwed Up By The Shutdown

A Worker In Antarctia · 10/16/13 11:22AM

One of the most dramatic, if remote, effects of the government shutdown has been the scaling back of scientific research in Antarctica. All U.S. facilities on Antarctica have been put into "caretaker" status, with minimal staff and research activities suspended. Many have noted the huge blow to science this represents. Less visible are the hundreds of support staff who spend six month shifts as contractors in Antarctica, working as cooks, mechanics, janitors, administrators, etc., who have had their lives turned upside down. We asked one worker at McMurdo Station, the largest U.S. station in Antarctica, how things are going, and she sent us this email:

This Week in Caves

Mallory Ortberg · 12/30/12 01:27PM

It feels so good to bring that headline back again. We have new developments and origin stories; ice-bound catastrophes averted and mysterious crimson disks identified. For all of these stories we have caves to thank (say thank you to the caves. Go on. Say it).

Wikileaks: Banned In Antarctica

Adrian Chen · 12/17/10 12:23AM

Our government's idiotic war on Wikileaks extends even to America's tiny presence in Antarctica. A memo sent to all Americans in Antarctica effectively censors Wikileaks material from the entire continent. Can't tip off the penguins about our secret plans!