
The flying penis menace moves offline in Russia

Jackson West · 05/19/08 08:00PM

In a stunt reminiscent of something from Second Life, an unknown perpetrator let loose a remote-controlled flying dildo at a speech yesterday by Garry Kasparov, the famed chess champion defeated by IBM's Deep Blue who now heads up Other Russia, an opposition party that seeks to wrest power from the Kremlin government dominated by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. As Andy Baio at Waxy points out, it's unclear if the pranksters knew about the infamous interview between Second Life baron Anshe Chung and CNET reporter Daniel Terdiman, video from which is embedded after the jump.

Trouble in Geekland

bschiff · 12/20/06 01:44PM

It's the sort of drama written for Second Life nerds. CNET writer Daniel Terdiman nabbed an exclusive! hot! interview with supposed second-life millionaire Ailin Graef. After the interview started, Terdiman and Second-Life publicist were assaulted with animated flying penises. You can't make this crap up. But virtual reality geeks can.