
Line Between Real Burbank And Fictional Springfield Convenience Stores Blurred

mark · 07/05/07 11:35AM

The marketing geniuses behind The Simpsons Movie promotion that has transformed a number of 7-11s into Kwik-E-Marts are proving maniacally devoted to Springfield verisimilitude; in addition to making sure that the store has clerks playing the role of Apu, they've also apparently hired background actors to roam the store in-character; above, the Burbank location's Comic Book Guy pauses to consider his animated inspiration before heading inside to change into his costume, then spend a day wandering the aisles, occasionally engaging a customer near a snack case with a dismissive, "Worst. Nachos. Ever."

Seinfeld Survives 'Bee Movie' Publicity Stunt

mark · 05/17/07 11:19AM

As a follow-up to yesterday's story about how studios will spare no expense in creating Hollywood-quality promotional spectacles at Cannes, we present this photo of Bee Movie star Jerry Seinfeld, who gamely donned a bee costume, was affixed to a zip line, and then thrown off the roof of the eight-story Carlton Hotel, eventually alighting on a pier prominently displaying the movie's logo. While the stunt apparently was carried off without incident, there has to be a part of DreamWorks Animation chief Jeffrey Katzenberg that secretly, selfishly hoped the cord would snap and send Seinfeld crashing into the sea (Just enough to make a little splash. Oh, come on, don't be like that! It's not like he was going to cut the rope himself. If it happened, it happened.), creating an even more intense buzz for their upcoming film.