
Media Bubble: Get Well, Clay Felker

abalk2 · 10/05/06 11:30AM

Post headline promises way more than it delivers. [NYP]
•Film editor Dennis Lim is the latest casualty at the Village Voice. At this rate David Blum is going to run out of former students to fill all the open slots. [Anthony Kaufman]
Fortune claims that female media CEOs are losing influence in relation to other lady businessmen. We don't know. Time Chair Ann Moore laid off about a million people this year, you don't get more influential than that. [WWD]
New York magazine creator Clay Felker is in a nursing home. There will be no joke. [Forbes]

Time4Bloodletting: The Memo

abalk2 · 09/12/06 04:10PM

Earlier today we mentioned Time Inc.'s plan to jettison a boatload of titles. Well, it has come to pass. After the jump, the full memo from Chairman Ann Moore. Our favorite bit? "In all there are 18 print titles for sale. 440 employees work at the Time4 Media titles involved and another 120 work at The Parenting Group. I want to thank our colleagues at these magazines for all their hardwork over the years. They serve their audiences well, and we will continue to work closely with them until the sale is final."

Time Inc. Can Almost Sort of Maybe Guarantee They're Mostly Done Laying People Off

Jesse · 05/24/06 10:45AM

So after Time Inc. made it through those tumultuous rounds of layoffs and other cutbacks a few months ago, it's all clear sailing these days at 1271 Sixth Avenue, right? Well, maybe not. Chairman Ann Moore's quarterly status report went out to Time Inc.'ers yesterday, and it starts on a bad note — that Q1 at the mag publisher was "less robust than we expected," coming in below last year's Q1. But then things pick up: The new management structure is leaner and faster! The mags are all industry leaders! The whole thing is a very important part of Time Warner! The web! And, of course, there's this bit of heartwarming job-security news: After all those earlier layoffs, "we do hope the majority of eliminations is behind us." We're sure those of you still toiling at the company will sleep soundly after that declaration.

Time Warner Sells Book Group

Jesse · 02/06/06 01:55PM

Time Warner announced today that it has (finally!) sold off the Time Warner Book Group — Warner Books and Little, Brown — to the French publisher Lagardere. TWBG was part of Time Inc., and chairman Ann Moore sent a memo to her employees earlier today on the sale. It is, undoubtedly, an anxious time for book group employees, as it is always is when there are major corporate changes at your employer. But we suspect that in the long run the book folks will be the lucky ones.

Time Inc. Spins, Like Luce in His Grave

Jesse · 12/13/05 02:59PM

We got a nice little press release from Time Inc. an hour or so ago. A corporate reorganization! Two execs were appointed co-COOs, working under chairman Ann Moore, which led to some other shifts of responsibility among others. It seemed like good news for the people involved, important news for people on the business side of the mags, and, ultimately, nothing really too exciting for us.

No more planes for Huey

Gawker · 01/10/03 11:05AM

Keith Kelly reports that John Huey, editorial director of Time, Inc., has had his plane priveleges curtailed. His $13,000 jaunts to his $1 million place in Sullivan's Island, South Carolina, have gotten to be too much for CEO Ann Moore.