
Seth Rogen Is Not Pleased with Washington Post Critic Ann Hornaday

Dayna Evans · 05/26/14 09:30PM

Ann Hornaday, the Washington Post's film critic, published an op-ed yesterday that implied that one of the principal reasons for Elliot Rodger's mass killing in Isla Vista was the white men of Hollywood's "escapist fantasies [that] so often revolve around vigilantism and sexual wish-fulfillment." Hornaday specifically called out both Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen's recently-released Neighbors as an example.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Is Mostly Fantastic

Richard Lawson · 11/18/10 12:10PM

So say the critics anyway! Well, the critics who have joy and whimsy in their hearts and aren't soul-dead monsters whose chest cavities are full of nothing but discarded tin. Heh, sorry. Let's look at both sides of the debate!