
The Evolution of Marketing

Richard Blakeley · 03/04/11 11:45AM

From Mad Men to guerilla and social marketing, here is an animated short by the marketing firm Cake Group that will bring you up to speed on the history of marketing.

Why You Shouldn't Wear Socks With Sandals

Lisa Gagliardi · 02/04/11 05:00PM

Here's this guy merrily going about his business not realizing the horror he's causing those around him with his fashion statement. So, come spring, remember the impact your footwear choices can make.

Man Cuts His Hair Using Only His Fingers

Madeleine Davies · 02/03/11 12:15PM

Watch as a man cuts off all of his hair to draw attention to our depleting natural resources. Does his message get across? Not really, but he has a crazy beard and who doesn't love a crazy beard?

This is How to Get Out of a Rut

Marisa Gladstone · 01/25/11 03:45PM

Do you ever find yourself just having one of those days? This artist did, and so he took it upon himself to animate his frustrations.

The Frustrations of Watching Someone Else Use the Internet

Leah Beckmann · 01/14/11 10:15AM

In today's age of The Internet, we have all cultivated our very own and very personal internet-navigating routines. So watching over someone's shoulder as they clumsily fumble around cyberspace can be a truly excruciating experience indeed.

Conan O'Brien Reveals the Animated Version of Himself

John Trowbridge · 01/11/11 09:30AM

On Conan, we got to see a clip from the new Warner Bros. movie, Young Justice. The new movie features Flash, Martian Manhunter, and the league's newest member, Conan. Check out his super-deep voice, fishnets, and piping hot oven mitt.

A Look at Fox's New Animated Comedy Bob's Burgers

Whitney Jefferson · 01/10/11 02:30PM

There's a new member of Fox's Sunday night comedy block. Bob's Burgers premiered after The Simpsons last night to mixed reviews. Mainly, it left us wondering how a cast filled with such funny people be so ...unfunny? We investigate!

Watch a Batch of Christmas Presents Exact Their Revenge

Matt Toder · 12/22/10 10:15AM

While you were gleefully ripping apart the boxes of your Christmas presents as a kid, those presents were suffering. They were having their bodies torn apart while you laughed. Well, now it's time for the presents to get some payback.