
All of the Adorable Action From This Year's Puppy Bowl

Whitney Jefferson · 02/07/11 12:06AM

While most of America was glued to Fox for the duration of the night, there were others of us that spent the evening watching cute little puppies playing on a fake football field. Not that we're complaining!

Frenzied Cat is Bothered By a Scratch Pole

Preksha Kumar · 02/04/11 03:25PM

Something's really bothering this cat as it looks into the camera with a heartbreaking expression, perhaps questioning the meaning of its life as it scampers up and down a pole. Or it really wants to get into its play pen.

Baby Ducklings Struggle to Get Up The Stairs

Kristina Grosspietsch · 02/04/11 01:00PM

These little ducklings have just one step to go before they can join the rest of their adorable little duck family. Can they do it? Watch and find out.

Dog Really Enjoys Licking This Cat's Ears

Lisa Gagliardi · 02/04/11 11:45AM

It's no secret that sometimes dogs and cats get along but this bulldog seems to find such enjoyment licking this cat he/she can't contain the noises being produced. Just listen and you'll understand.

Two Dogs Go Bodysurfing in the Snow

Marisa Gladstone · 02/04/11 10:45AM

You know what they say-every dog has his day. In this case, these dogs had the best day ever. In this video, two yellow labs hurl their bodies down snowy hills in what makes for a most adorable video.

Two Cute Baby Bunnies Nuzzle and Smooch

Ruanne Karpoff · 02/02/11 06:00PM

While it's cold and disgusting outside, you can make your insides warm and fuzzy when you watch two baby buns cuddling with one another.

Keyboard Cat Plays Graffiti Artist Banksy in Exit Through the Pet Shop

Ajay Mehta · 02/02/11 04:25PM

If you've seen last year's critically-acclaimed documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop, you know how Banksy and his street art friends turned the art world on its head through their crazy, semi-legal antics. Now a genius musical cat will continue their legacy.

Watch a Fox Lick a Window While a Goose Screams

Matt Cherette · 02/01/11 11:49PM

This video is just, like, the epitome of WTF. Where do I begin? First of all, what the hell is that thing screaming in the background? Is it a goose? I don't know. And that fox licking the window? Wat?

There Are 50,000 Stray Dogs in Detroit

Matt Cherette · 02/01/11 09:46PM

This video was not shot in a Third World country. It's the city of Detroit, where there are currently 70,000 abandoned buildings and 50,000 stray dogs (with only 23 Animal Control officers). I'd say that's a problem.

Tetherball Keeps Two Dogs Entertained For Hours

Preksha Kumar · 02/01/11 07:15PM

Need a fool-proof way to occupy your dog? Look no further, playing fetch might become a never ending game. These two dogs make the most of a gloomy day and prance around trying to grab that tempting, bright orange tetherball!