
It's Puppy Vs. Ice Cube in Ultimate Showdown

Leah Beckmann · 03/09/11 10:40AM

Watch as this adorable ball of fur becomes increasingly more confused and frustrated by a small ice cube. Finally mustering all his strength and bravery, the Puppy Warrior attacks.

You Can No Longer Rationalize Eating Chicken

Max Read · 03/09/11 03:30AM

Chicken, the easiest of all non-fish meats to convince yourself it's okay to eat on moral grounds, is now a little more difficult to rationalize consuming. A new study seems to indicate that the birds can feel empathy—meaning they can theoretically feel the pain and distress of other chickens:

Are These Cats Trying to Hypnotize You?

Lisa Gagliardi · 03/08/11 09:45PM

These cats appear to only be playing, but they're really using their cute head movements to lull you into a false sense of security until it's time to attack.

Dog Skillfully Opens Can of Food With Its Teeth

Marie Bardi · 03/08/11 07:45PM

This pup must have been hungry, as it manages to peel open a can of dog food on its own. Some say that cats are the more intelligent animals, but this clever canine gives them a run for their money!

Beef Ranchers Find New and Improved Ways to Ruin Animals' Lives

Hamilton Nolan · 03/07/11 05:32PM

Patriotic American beef is under attack! I mean, not the cows. The cows are actually happy about it. Per capita beef consumption in the U.S. has fallen by a third in the past 35 years. So the National Cattlemen's Beef Association is training ranchers and other assorted beef-friendly carnivores to fight back using the tools of public relations.

Dog Eats Off Owner's Toes as He Sleeps

Max Read · 03/07/11 12:30AM

Do you have a dog? Have you taken any naps lately? Quick, count your toes! Because—if your dog is anything like this Shiba Inu in Oregon—some of them might be missing:

The Eastern Panther is Extinct

Adrian Chen · 03/04/11 01:08PM

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has has determined that the legendary Eastern Panther (also known as the eastern cougar, puma, catamount and mountain lion) is extinct, and likely has been since the 1930s. There have been numerous reported sightings throughout the years, but the FWS says they were other species, "including South American cats that had either escaped from captivity or were released to the wilderness as well as wild cougars from Western states that had migrated east."

The Incredible Art of Animal Spycams

Max Read · 03/02/11 01:00AM

The Smithsonian has put up some 200,000 photographs of animals taken by dozens of motion-activated "camera traps" set up in around the world, and... they're kind of breathtaking. Not just in a "Ooh, animals are cool" way, either (though, come on, animals are totally cool)—in a "Wow, some of these are pretty amazing photographs" way. The intent, obviously, is to study animal behavior without needing smelly humans around, and not to take pretty pictures, but the pictures do end up being quite pretty—we're particularly partial, for example, to this set of beautiful black-and-whites shot in Kenya. (Above is an Asian black bear caught on camera in China). The best thing to do is go to the official site, find one of the cameras, and just click through all the photos it's taken. Animals! Right?

Soccer Player Kicks Owl Off Field

Max Read · 03/01/11 09:45PM

The owl mascot of the Colombian soccer team Atletico Junior died on Sunday after being kicked off the field by Luis Moreno, a player for the opposing side. The owl was first hit by a ball in mid-pass; a refereee stopped the game and Moreno, apparently unclear on proper owl-moving techniques, kicked the animal. "I want to apologise to the fans," he said later. "I was not trying to hurt the owl. I did it to see if it would fly." [Sydney Morning Herald]

Hedgehog Has a Case of the Sneezes

Junior Mendez · 02/27/11 12:50PM

Spring is abound and so are the allergies that it spurs—achoo! The last close-up of this spiky little dude is perfect, too! Wait for it... wait for it...

Sly Seagull Steals Donut

Junior Mendez · 02/25/11 11:00AM

Who can resist a donut? This guy has no idea this seagull has been fancying his mid-day treat from afar. Watch this swift bird go in for the steal! It seems seagulls, too, run on Dunkin.

Jimmy the Cat Gives Thumbs Up

Junior Mendez · 02/25/11 10:00AM

Cats are known for maxin' and relaxin' around the house. What we sometimes don't assume is that they know how good they have it. Watch Jimmy give us a thumbs up, probably after waking up from a nap.

Dog Killed in Police Raid on Wrong House

Max Read · 02/24/11 01:05AM

Click to viewAn attempted drug raid in Philadelphia ended badly on Wednesday night when a police officer entered the wrong home and shot and killed a dog that had bitten him on the ankle. It's hard to blame the officer for shooting an attacking dog (or the dog for attacking an intruder), but one would hope that when armed police are executing raids they could at least get the address right. [NBC10; video below]