
Puppies Form Cutest Conga Line of All Time

Marie Bardi · 03/24/11 12:45PM

Nope, this isn't an outtake from some straight-to-DVD Beverly Hills Chihuahua sequel - it's an actual conga line of puppies. Now, if only we could get a few dogs on drumming duties, then we'd have a real party!

Miniature Horse Gets a Second Shot at Life With Prosthetic Leg

Leah Beckmann · 03/24/11 10:15AM

Meet Midnight. Born missing part of one of his hind legs and neglected by his owners, Midnight was transferred to Ranch Hand Rescue where he was given love, care, and eventually, a prosthetic leg. The results are truly amazing.

Knut Autopsy: Maybe He Really Was Nuts?

Jeff Neumann · 03/24/11 05:38AM

Wow, looks like PETA might have been right about something! Last year, the animal rights group said the world's favorite captive polar bear, Knut, was basically crazy and that he "suffers from panic attacks and 'sways to and fro' in an abnormal manner." (PETA last year also said Knut's balls should be cut off, so fuck them and their ridiculous campaigns that make all vegetarians look look like assholes.) However, the the group may have been at least partially correct:

Overly Excited Dog Forgets to Jump

Matt Cherette · 03/23/11 09:44PM

Meet Stanley! Stanley is a dog. In this video, Stanley—who is very, very excited, obviously—runs in and out of his owners' bedroom, jumping over their bed in the process. That is, until he forgets to jump—and crashes spectacularly.

Is Cat-ertainment the Most Adorable News Program Ever?

Marisa Gladstone · 03/23/11 03:15PM

In this video, we are introduced to "Cat-ertainment." It's a news show about cats, with a guest appearance from Sally Jesse Raphael, and her cat Max. We also learn about a cat named "Baby" who saved his owner's life by waking him up when a fire started in the house. It may be safe to say that every grandmother in America has found their new favorite program.

The Grooming Habits of the Tarantula

Lisa Gagliardi · 03/19/11 02:15PM

For all of you dying to know how those hairy little tarantulas keep themselves clean look no further, because all your questions will be answered here. Unfortunately, the jazzy background music doesn't make it any less icky.

Poodle Brothers Throw Sister Under the Bus

Junior Mendez · 03/18/11 03:15PM

Whatever shenanigans these three precious poodles were up to, all the blame is going to the only girl in the trio. Watch Cody and Murphy rat out their sister Maggie so far that she uncomfortably leaves the room.

This Owl Really Means Business

Matt Cherette · 03/16/11 10:35PM

Owls aren't exactly known for being playful, but this little guy takes it to a whole new level. Check it out as his owner—or handler? I don't know—attempts to stop him from staring. Key word: attempts. SRS OWL.

Here's the Guiltiest Dog Ever

Matt Cherette · 03/16/11 09:15PM

Denver is a dog who was accused of eating her feline friends' treats. Explains Denver's owner, "Denver scrunches up her mouth when she is in trouble or KNOWS she's done something wrong." If this video is any indication, Denver's guilty!

Dog Freaks Out Trying to Pop Balloon

Leah Beckmann · 03/16/11 11:45AM

It looks like this dog adheres to the old, "if at first you don't succeed" adage. Try as he might, he can't seem to pop the balloon. Watch his priceless reaction when his hard work finally pays off.