
Rich Juzwiak · 05/08/14 04:09PM

"I get more hate, honestly, about dressing androgynously than about being gay. It blows my mind." - Ellen Page

Crazy Indie Actress in Crazy Indie Relationship

Richard Lawson · 02/19/08 03:48PM

Tilda Swinton is a kinky androgynous weirdo! The Academy Award nominated actress (for Michael Clayton) who starred in the gender-bender Orlando is reportedly in a very open relationship with her husband, playwright John Byrne. Byrne, 67, who is the father of Tilda's twins, has to compete with 29-year-old actor Sandro Kopp for Swinton's affections. The 47-year-old British lass brings Kopp to movie premieres and the like, then takes him back to Byrne's house where they all visit and do very artsy things that I will never understand. [Celebitchy] Orlando clip after the jump.