
JoeJournalist Had Better Be James Fallows, Because We're Getting Pretty Goddamned Tired Of This Story

abalk2 · 11/30/06 09:20AM

So, JoeJournalist: We figured this scintillating story had run its course but, unfortunately, no. In a segment on the consistently incendiary, suspected self-aggrandizer Mickey Kaus claims that he knows who the solipsist is, and that it isn't Andrew Sullivan (or Kaus). Mickey won't give up the name, but he does volunteer that the journalist in question is "an important figure in the New America Foundation."

CNN Covers All the Gay News

Jesse · 06/21/06 02:10PM

In fairness to the daycare center, they only got freaked out when Andrew Sullivan couldn't provide a good reason for his visit.

Media Bubble: Right-Wingers Like Judy. Imagine That.

Jesse · 11/14/05 12:01PM

• Is Judy Miller now a right-wing hero? Wait, what was she before the war, then? [NYM]
• Andrew Sullivan to move his blog to Sellout! MSM! All those other things we're supposed to say! Yada yada yada. [NYP]
• Bob Schieffer to stay longer as CBS Evening News anchor. [NYT]
Times to launch quarterly sports mag. [NYP]
Esquire likes undulating apartments. [NYT]
• Google considers offering book rentals, sort of. [Reuters via Yahoo]
• Ruth Reichl reads The Bruni Digest. Bruni doesn't. Or so he says. [AP via Yahoo]


mgross · 04/28/05 04:22PM

A quote of the day from Jesse Kornbluth: "No ideas and the ability to express them—that's a journalist." —Karl Kraus (1874-1936)(—MG)
[swami uptown]

Wake Up, Little Sully

Haber · 12/15/04 12:22PM

Our nerdy sister site's guest blogger pointed us towards a terrifying piece of video that shows us exactly what pundit Andrew Sullivan wears to bed every night. No, not SpongeBob SquarePants jammies: a face mask that helps him breathe.

Definition of a failed journalist

Gawker · 02/11/03 10:50AM

Blogging makes Vanity Fair's In & Out list. Blogger is In — but only as a new term for a failed journalist. Or, in Andrew Sullivan's case, a new term for a writer out of favor with Howell Raines at the New York Times.

Next Thursday: Hitchens and Sullivan

Gawker · 10/18/02 11:22AM

This is a must-see. Christopher Hitchens and Andrew Sullivan, and others, discussing Orwell. And discussing Orwell is a synonym for...

Space Pussy

Gawker · 09/04/02 03:53PM

Kurt Andersen, on Andrew Sullivan's blog: "I derive some tiny but real pleasure in knowing, for instance, as a result...