
Google's censors really sorry about violating freedom of speech

Owen Thomas · 12/01/08 03:40PM

If a YouTube video gets yanked, if a Blogger blog gets deleted, if a website disappears from Google's search results, chances are Google lawyer Nicole Wong had something to do with it. Wong has kept a low profile, aside from the occasional post on Google's official blog, but after a profile in Sunday's New York Times Magazine, it's likely she'll be hearing more pleas than ever from frustrated users whose works have vanished from Google's sprawling Web empire.

Remainders: The FCC doesn't suck

ndouglas · 03/17/06 06:50PM

Someone runs up a false Digg item about a Google acquisition of Sun Microsystems. Turns out that not everything linked from Digg is true. Huh. Who knew? In any case, the lesson here: Digg may be big, but it's not exactly at stock-manipulating level. [Silicon Valley Sleuth]
So tech site CNET bought dating site Consumating in December, and it picked up food site Chowhound just this month. Anyone have an idea what the plan is here? [Chowhound interview]
Ouch. Tech blogger Om Malik's great Andrew Mclaughlin (pictured) quote ("The FCC sucks") comes undone when the Google senior policy counsel writes to Om: