
New Paramount Theme Park in Korea to Offer 'The Norbit Adventure' and Other Fine Attractions

STV · 05/20/08 03:45PM

There has been no shortage of potential cross-pollenation opportunities for Paramount Pictures over its 90 years in business, but for sheer monolithic stature and creative promise, nothing tweaks our loins quite like the just-announced Paramount Movie Park Korea. While we're mildly disappointed to hear that the park is slated for Seoul and not Pyongyang (tell us you wouldn't have been first in line for "Kim Jong Il's Marathon Man Experience"), we're glad to see the studio back in the theme-park business and eager to have a go at the 30-plus attractions planned for a 2011 opening.

Slave For A Day, Step Right Up!

Maggie · 01/03/08 12:15PM

An American couple is planning to start a slavery theme park in Haiti featuring visitor participation. Guests to "Memory Village" will sign up for an authentic, twelve-hour slavery experience—kidnapping, shackles, psychological torture and all. No S&M apparently, so we'd advise just sticking to Casual Encounter's "slave 4 master" section. [Westword]