
How To Give A Compliment

Valerie Flame · 03/12/08 10:25AM

Stalker spotted A-Ol at some dance thingy and managed to trash her and follow it up with a swift compliment. Pretty ambivalent, which is generally how I feel about Les Olsens, too. I can't tell if they're pretty, or if I'm just used to their faces, having grown up watching Michelle Tanner and all those awful mystery-adventure series videos that relatives would buy me, even though I was clearly too old for the genre. Sighting after the jump.

This Man Would Like You to Pay Him For His Content Now

Sheila · 11/20/07 04:30PM

In a NYT Op-Ed today, former boy genius and current Discover magazine columnist Jaron Lanier says that it's time for the Web to grow up and start paying people! I know, right? That's sort of huge, coming from "one of the most influential philosopher-scientists of the computer age" in a Silicon Valley where user-generated free content is, like, the only content! (Oh, YouTube!) How'd this change of heart come about?