Now that it appears that last weekend's Amazon-banning gay-books Twitter storm was much ado about nothing, Clay Shirky has an insightful essay, "The Failure of #amazonfail," about why it's hard to let the outrage go.
After gay-themed titles disappeared from's search results this weekend, everyone looked for someone to blame. One hacker took credit. Some faulted an Amazon engineer in France. One source thinks it was the Conficker worm.
(UPDATED) After stripping sales rankings from a variety of gay-themed books, from romance novels to histories, now blames "a glitch" for the changes and promises a fix. Good luck selling that line.
(UPDATED) As if it wasn't hellacious enough working customer support for on Easter, the online book store's reps must now explain why gay romances (and other books) are too "adult" to rank.