
Happy Birthday

cityfile · 12/19/08 07:49AM

Considering he's spent the last couple of days fending off accusations he's a slumlord, this probably won't be the most cheerful day for hotel/restaurant owner Eric Goode: He celebrates his 51st birthday today. Others born on the 19th of December: Jake Gyllenhaal is 28 today. Alyssa Milano is 36. Tyson Beckford turns 38. Lady Sovereign is turning 23. Criss Angel turns 41. And real estate developer Doug Durst is turning 64. Weekend birthdays after the jump.

Mary-Kate's Miami Drama, LiLo Snuggles with Sean

cityfile · 12/08/08 07:05AM

♦ Mary-Kate Olsen was "acting very oddly" during her stay in Miami for Art Basel. After getting into a fight with Kirsten Dunst at a party at the Delano on Wednesday night, MK—who "looked like she had not brushed her hair in a week"—spent the weekend drinking, chain-smoking, and hanging out with boyfriend Nate Lowman, which means she's probably not pregnant. [P6, P6]
♦ Lindsay Lohan went to a party for Milk without Samantha Ronson last week, where she was spotted nuzzling with Sean Penn. [Fox 411]
♦ Amy Winehouse's husband Blake Fielder-Civil is reportedly threatening to write a tell-all book about Winehouse unless she gives him $1.7 million in the divorce settlement. [NYP]

mark · 10/04/07 12:26PM

Just in case Alyssa Milano's recent HuffPo guest-blog about NTDs left you unconvinced about the depth of her understanding of the issue, this quote from Details should set your mind at ease: "The fact that these diseases can be eradicated was like, well, this is a no-brainer,' she says. 'It's like a sale in global health!'" [Men.Style.Com]

Celebrity Blog Post Covers Debilitating Disease And Classic '80s Sitcoms, Not Necessarily In That Order

seth · 10/02/07 05:16PM

Perhaps not as obviously stirring as Angelina Jolie's kneebuckling tale of a disadvantaged child caregiver she'd encountered on her recent orphan-collecting travels, something about the quiet urgency with which the apple of Tony Micelli's eye entreats HuffPo readers to join her in a fight against a variety of little-known but easily curable Third World diseases moved us in equal measure. We urge the time-pressed to at the very least skim the Read More section, where they'll quickly get the crux of her arguments by scanning a grab bag of tags covering essential talking points "Charmed," "elephantiasis," "river blindness," and "Who's the Boss?"