
Buzzword Babylon at OnHollywood

ndouglas · 05/04/06 06:17PM

OnHollywood, the conference held by the Tony Perkins's AlwaysOn Network that's just now wrapping up, shows the signs of a good and bad event. The good: A decent Flickr pool. The bad: A cluster on Tech Memeorandum. But the Flickr stream proves this was a missable event, or at least required a Web 2.0 Kool-Aid apéritif.

Tony Perkins' embarrassing web stats

Nick Denton · 02/03/06 10:19AM

To turn around the phrase on its head, on the web, everyone knows you're a dog. The internet may provide anonymity to individuals, but it leaves publishers nowhere to hide. A reader emails in about Tony Perkins, 'creator' and editor-in-chief of AlwaysOn, his news site for venture capitalists and other members of the Silicon Valley elite.

Friend of Frank's

Gawker · 05/06/03 03:45PM

You know, I said I wasn't going to link to Always-On, but I've changed my mind. I was reading Always-On (I have a few brain cells left and I'd like to kill them) and I noticed an article by Red Herring founder Tony Perkins defending tech banker Frank Quattrone. Perkins notes that people have "run into Frank Quattrone carrying food, distributing cookies, and hauling the trash out for AIDS charities, Girl Scouts, museums that serve children, and public and private schools." Perkins goes on to say that the bankers aren't solely to blame for the Internet bubble, and I don't disagree with that, but I'm looking forward to hearing the Girl-Scout-trash-hauler defense when Mr. Quattrone tries to explain why his IPO allocations to certain parties were well above the legal limits.
I am a friend of Frank [Always-On]