
Alt Lit Is Dead and Its Women Writers Are Creating Their Own Scene

Allie Jones · 10/03/14 03:55PM

Alt lit is caving in on itself. After a week of multiple rape and abuse allegations against prominent authors and editors, the earnest, internet-obsessed literary scene is in full crisis: Today, the alt lit criticism site and scene blog of record Htmlgiant announced that it's shutting down. Meanwhile, in a private Facebook group associated with the blog Alt Lit Gossip, women writers have suggested forming an entirely new scene, "no boys allowed."

Hip Alt-Lit Editor Quits Public Writing Career After Rape Accusations

Allie Jones · 09/30/14 03:32PM

For all its gestures toward radicalism and openness, Brooklyn's hip young "alt lit" scene might not be any less toxic for women than...well, anywhere else, according to a series of essays published this week accusing a prominent young editor of sexual assault.