
Guy Kawasaki swoops in on crippled Valleywag

Paul Boutin · 11/13/08 02:20PM

This is no coincidence, folks. Nick Denton soft-shutters our site and boom, we're added to Guy Kawasaki's "online magazine rack" Alltop within 24 hours. Guy's not afraid to play hockey with us anymore. Slapshot to the face! Guy, I'm a French-Canadian goalie. You'll be surprised how many of those I can take.

Guy Kawasaki is kind of long-winded, but good with the perks

Paul Boutin · 09/23/08 03:40PM

Serial list-maker Guy Kawasaki's latest attempt at a hit startup is Alltop, an "online magazine rack." Kawasaki has promised Popurls creator Thomas Marban a $109,000 Audi R8 if Alltop takes off. Alas, twenty minutes of cruising the site — yet another techie's attempt to aggregate media sites by stripping their headlines into a bland common format, rather than creating a new rollup brand like Drudge or Huffington — makes me think Marban should ask for a new MacBook and call it a day.

FriendFeed not cliquey enough for you? Try Frienderati

Paul Boutin · 07/14/08 07:00PM

Guy Kawasaki's A-list generator Alltop has spawned a new A-list: Frienderati is an aggregated feed of the latest five entries from the 101 most followed users of FriendFeed. My browser can't find an RSS feed for the page yet, but I'm sure there'll be one. Just as I'm sure someone will figure out how to sort this thing by popularity rather than alphabetically. While you're at it, can you strip out the posts and just post the pecking order of names? That seems easier.

Guy Kawasaki inflates egos that don't need inflating with Alltop

Jordan Golson · 02/09/08 05:00PM

Alltop is Guy Kawasaki's latest project: a news aggregator which shows the titles of the last few posts from a number of different blogs in various categories including Politics, Sports, Fashion and the very aptly named Egos. The top of the Egos section includes feeds from inflated-head, Internet-famous writers like Robert Scoble, Michael Arrington, Dave Winer, Jason Calacanis, and, of course, Guy Kawasaki. In other words, it's an overblown blogroll, if a well-designed one. Nice work, Guy! We asked Fake Steve Jobs what he thought about being included in the Egos list: "I'm not sure what this site is all about, but I'm deeply honored to be included. Guy Kawasaki is a personal hero." Guy, be warned: You do not have a lock on the ego-inflation market.