
Reporter Asks Gravity Director If It Was Difficult Filming In Space

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/17/13 12:05PM

During a recent press conference to promote his sci-fi thriller-drama Gravity, director Alfonso Cuarón was finally asked the one question reporters have bizarrely neglected to put forward: What was it like filming a movie in space?

Shocking Revelation: There Is Another Olsen Sister

Richard Lawson · 09/02/10 01:03PM

It's true. Yoda has looked up to the heavens and declared this true. Also today: up-and-comer Anthony Mackie lands another role, a promising movie stalls out, Tom Cruise gets a sexy sidekick for his next Mission, and Twilight news.

If 'The Hobbit' Must Be Made, We'd Rather See One of These Directors at the Helm

STV · 04/28/08 11:15AM

Our dissatisfaction at Friday's news that Guillermo del Toro would inherit the Hobbit reins from Peter Jackson met with a mix of scorn and curiosity over the weekend. "Pony up an alternative, Cochise," wrote a commenter. "Destroy those two GENIUSES and all we will be left with is Lucas and Spielberg. And that is not a world I wish to live in." Us neither! That said, if the Laws of Hollywood Franchises dictate that this goddamned movie must exist, we can think of at least five talented directors off the tops of our heads whom we'd prefer over del Toro, Jackson or any of the other usual fanboy fantasy suspects. Tell us your own ideal hires after the jump.