
Former Reddit CEO: You're All Screwed

Ashley Feinberg · 07/14/15 10:16PM

Former Reddit CEO Yishan Wong is having a goddamn ball this week, bouncing around announcement threads and spilling site secrets to his heart’s content. His latest big reveal: Reddit’s board has been itching to purge the site of users’ precious hate-based subreddits since the beginning. And recently, the only thing stopping them had been... Ellen Pao. Whoops.

Was Ellen Pao Set Up? Former Reddit CEO Unleashes on Founders

Sam Biddle · 07/13/15 12:57PM

The story so far: Reddit already despised recently ousted CEO Ellen Pao, and the firing of community liaison Victoria Taylor was the final screwup that did her in. But what if the whole time, she was taking the heat for someone else’s mistake?

Did Reddit's Former CEO Just Reveal a "Long Con" to Sabotage the Site?

Sam Biddle · 07/12/15 12:25PM

After Reddit’s surrender to white supremacy this week, users and observers alike have been trying to figure out how exactly we got to this nadir. How could something so popular get so much wrong, over and over again? A new post by Reddit’s ex-chief suggests it’s all been an inside job.

Unwiring Wired

Ryan Tate · 10/15/09 06:50PM

For a digital bible, Wired has been turning surprisingly analog over the past year. The latest regressions: The publication just fired two top editors from and may soon lose the founders of

Reddit cofounder blabs about Y Combinator founders' secret wedding

Owen Thomas · 06/02/08 03:40PM

We'd heard in April that Paul Graham and Jessica Livingston, the pair behind startup factory Y Combinator, were partners in love as well as life. The two tied the knot over the weekend, Twittered Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian, a graduate of Y Combinator: "Sorry ladies, PG said 'I do' - 'twas a great wedding." We're sure it was — anyone have pictures — or insights into why the two have been so secretive about their romance?

Facebook's "People You May Know" feature a geek apotheosis

Owen Thomas · 04/08/08 05:40PM

The New York media is predictably offended by Facebook's "People You May Know" feature. To anyone without Asperger's syndrome, the notion of an algorithm suggesting social relationships is offensive. But to Silicon Valley's elite, this is progress. Forming friendships is inefficient and time-consuming; mapping the social graph is a task well-suited to be offloaded to servers. Which, unlike the Starbucks lattes you may purchase in the pursuit of actual friendships, constantly decrease in price. Sure, I thought Facebook was a little off when it hinted I might be friends with Jimmy Wales, but the service is barely out of beta. Other suggestions, like Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian, who I met casually once at a bar, is a perfectly suited addition to my list of Facebook "friends." Thus my faith in Mark Zuckerberg's ever-improving software remains unshaken. (Screenshot by Harrison Hoffman)

Reddit's scientific proof that free beer equals more traffic

Nicholas Carlson · 11/28/07 07:51PM

Al Gore should count himself lucky they already announced the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. If the Supreme Court weighed in on this one, they might reconsider. Alerting the world the threat of global warming? Meh. In the accompanying chart, Reddit founders Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian prove the correlation between free beer and more traffic. Take a look for yourself.

Reddit throws NYC drinkfest, but everyone's thirsting for Julia

Nicholas Carlson · 11/04/07 04:16PM

EAST VILLAGE, NEW YORK — Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian, who sold social-news website Reddit a year ago to the publisher of Wired, brought Reddit's beer-laden world tour to New York last night. And, on the promise of an open bar from 7 till last call, the people showed. Among the crowd a pair of Condé Nast Newhouses and a whole mess of Silicon Alley's scruffiest. What'd I learn? Some tidbits such as that Huffman doesn't always flush and that at Reddit, Ohanian just draws the aliens. But mainly we learned that the people wanted to know: Would Jakulia show?