
Men Seeing 'Sex and the City': Why?

Pareene · 05/30/08 10:37AM

Sex and the City is the only thing happening in the world today, which made us wonder [Note: that is the only 'Sex and the City' joke I know]: what kind of dude went to see this movie? Gawker videographer Alex Goldberg lurked outside the Union Square movie theater last night and aggressively questioned all the men of the male persuasion waiting in line for the most important film event of our time. Why were they there? The answer was not always "to get laid." Though that was pretty much the answer with the straight guys. You fools! Didn't you watch the damn movie? Your ladyfriend will only have sex with you if you buy them fancy clothes and propose marriage. The whole scene looks like an amazing shitshow. "Cosmos? No, I had a metropolitan, though, and a White Russian."

Tuesday Night Party People

Pareene · 04/01/08 01:46PM

What do you do when your friend Nicholas "Nicky" Digital offers to take you out for a tour of the NYC nightlife on a Tuesday night? After you finish asking yourself where it all went wrong, you might wonder exactly how great the Tuesday night party scene could actually be. Gawker videographer-about-town Alex Goldberg decided to check it out, as he doesn't have a "real job", and it was a good opportunity to meet and greet the 24-hour weeknight party people. So off he went to 3 different ragers—marginally NSFW results of the evening are attached.

Thousands Invade Union Square With Cute Violence

Pareene · 03/24/08 02:53PM

Last Saturday was the third annual New York City Pillow Fight in Union Square. Hooray for the relentless twee-ification of New York! Improv Everywhere is to blame for this, somehow. Anyhow, Gawker Videographer Alex Goldberg attended, and filmed the melee. If, like us, you wondered why you saw fresh-faced youngsters clutching pillows out and about in Manhattan on Saturday night, this should clear things up.

Celebrate Spring With Dancing Hipsters!

Pareene · 03/13/08 05:06PM

While you were wondering when Eliot Spitzer would resign last Tuesday night, Gawker videographer Alex Goldberg attended two parties, where he captured intoxicated flocks of hipsters in their natural elements: dancing, in Batman sweatshirts and fanny-packs, at Beauty Bar and Happy Endings. Star tattoos! Old-timey hats! Old-timey facial hair! The goddamn robot! All the reasons the terrorists hate us and some they haven't yet thought of are in the attached clip.

We Continue Needling Famous Scientologists

Pareene · 02/11/08 11:09AM

Gawker videographer Alex Goldberg crashed a G-Star party at the Gramercy Hotel this weekend where he caught Heather Graham dancing badly and bugged popular Scientologist celebrity Danny Masterson. We're posting this primarily in the hopes that the irritating Masterson gets in trouble with his church for associating with a known enemy like Gawker.

Pest Horror At 'Times'; Starchitect Cornered

Pareene · 01/31/08 09:21AM

As has been documented again and again and again, there is a mouse problem as the fancy new headquarters of the New York Times. So, when Gawker videographer Alex Goldberg found himself at an event attended by some of the architects responsible for that new Times building, he knew his muckracking mission: corner one of them and demand answers.

Covering Heath

Pareene · 01/25/08 02:47PM

Attached, Gawker videographer Alexander Goldberg and Defamer videographer Molly McAleer explore the murky limits of bad taste while discussing the coverage (of the coverage of the coverage) of Heath Ledger's death. You will be edified. There will be tears. [Previously]

The Great Strike Debate

Pareene · 01/10/08 08:30AM

Each day you face important issues requiring informed opinons. At work! At cocktail parties! In bed with strangers! In these situations and so many more you are expected to talk about the things everybody's talking about. Let Gawker Videographer Alex Goldberg and Defamer Videographer Molly McAleer do the thinking for you, with Point/Counterpoint. Today's topic: the writers strike.

A Gay Liberal New York Jew Rests Easy

Pareene · 01/09/08 11:12AM

Videographer Alex Goldberg's roommate-harassing (in the name of science!) continues. Last week, we watched Alex's poor roommate respond with violent gay rage to Mike Huckabee's Iowa win. But in New Hampshire, Huckabee vied for third with the rest of the losers (except for losers John McCain and Mitt Romney, who came in first and second, respectively), and everyone's favorite roommate slept like a child awaiting Santa. Except Jewish. [Previously]

A gay liberal New York Jew's response to the Iowa caucuses

Pareene · 01/04/08 09:25AM

Just in case you get all your breaking national news from Gawker, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee—preacher, used to be fat, from a town called Hope, nutty super-Christian—won the Iowa caucuses. How should you feel about this? Videographer Alex Goldberg secretly videotaped his liberal (and Jewish and gay) roommate's reaction to Huckabee's victory last night. Let it serve as a surrogate reaction for all of us.