
Did Todd Palin Have an Affair with a Massage Therapist?

Max Read · 01/20/11 03:22AM

Did Todd Palin have an affair with a massage therapist named Shailey Tripp? The National Enquirer stops just short of saying "yes"—but claims "police have confiscated physical evidence that could tie Todd to an alleged extramarital affair."

Here's a Two-Minute Encapsulation of Sarah Palin's Utter Delusion

Matt Cherette · 12/20/10 12:19AM

Here's a clip from tonight's Sarah Palin's Alaska. Watch as Palin condescendingly pretends to be domestic, insults Michelle Obama, dances around the issue of daughter Willow's boyfriend, and defends giving her children lots of freedom—all in two minutes!

Sarah Palin's Bloggers Hate Her

Maureen O'Connor · 11/03/10 10:27AM

Sarah Palin's new website, SPAlaska, features four blogs. That means Sarah Palin had to hire four unemployed bloggers, and you know what that means: liberals! One used to work for Gore. Another trash talked Palin on her old blog. [DailyBeast]

Is Joe Miller Finished?

Jim Newell · 10/28/10 11:00AM

A pretty stunning new poll of Alaska's Senate race shows Joe Miller, the Republican candidate and clear favorite since his primary win, suddenly dropping to third place. And third place is a bad place to be, days before an election.

Don't Try to Ask Alaska Republican Joe Miller Any Questions

Max Read · 10/18/10 01:14AM

Are you a journalist? Would you like to ask Alaska's Republican Senate candidate some questions? Well, I wouldn't try doing so after a town hall meeting at a school. Because you might get handcuffed and "detained" by his security detail.

The Fastest Radio Flyer Wagon You'll (Probably) Ever See

Jeff Neumann · 10/12/10 05:58AM

Fred Keller and Judy Foster of Wasilla, Alaska converted their 1976 Mazda pickup truck into a giant Radio Flyer wagon. It took 11 months to build. Keller says, "you kind of get the sensation of driving a sports car." [AP, video]