
Paul Rudd Sat Idly by (Thousands of Miles Away) During Homophobic Attack

Jordan Sargent · 10/27/14 03:45PM

Today, the internet has ascribed an inspiring bit of heroism to Paul Rudd, after video surfaced this weekend of a man who almost, kind of looks like Paul Rudd helping to prevent an alleged hate crime at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport (as shown in the video above). Alas, @TheRealPaulRudd was actually thousands of miles away, likely doing nothing, while real American heroes got their hands dirty.

Lacey Donohue · 10/13/13 10:59PM

What was initially reported as a “dry ice bomb” Sunday night at Terminal 2 in LAX was an explosion of a plastic bottle filled with dry ice in an empty bathroom. While the terminal has since reopened, departing flights out of LAX are delayed and the FBI is investigating.

Armed Thieves Snatch $50 Million of Uncut Diamonds off Airport Tarmac in 'Highly Professional' Heist

Max Read · 02/19/13 08:06AM

At 7:50 p.m. on Monday night, a Brink's armored truck on the Tarmac at Brussels Airport was loading a shipment of uncut diamonds onto a 8:10 Zurich-bound Helvetic Airlines flight. At 7:54 p.m., the diamonds were gone. What happened in between was "one of the biggest" diamond heists ever: a gang of eight thieves, apparently in dark clothing meant to resemble police uniforms and armed with "machine guns," drove through the airport fence in two vehicles, flashed their weapons at guards, seized the diamonds from the airport's cargo hold, and sped off. One of the vehicles was later found burned out nearby. "This was undoubtedly a highly professional job," a Belgian police source told the Evening Standard. The uncut diamonds, lacking certificates, will likely be unrecovered. The passengers on the Helvetic jet were apparently completely unaware that the heist was occurring a few yards away. [AFP | BBC | Telegraph | Evening Standard]

Woman Arrested for Grabbing TSA Agent's Boob

Lauri Apple · 07/16/11 01:31PM

Important travel info(!!!): When Transportation Security Administration agents grope and grab your or your baby's body parts at airport security checkpoints, they're protecting America from terrorism. When prospective airplane passengers grope and grab TSA agents' body parts, it's felony sexual abuse.

TSA Regrets Taking Away Mentally Disabled Man's Little Toy

Lauri Apple · 06/11/11 10:27AM

For the past 20 years, Drew Mandy—whose parents describe him as having "the mental capacity of a two-year-old"—has carried a plastic hammer toy around with him for "security" reasons. It's his thing. But recently TSA agents took his beloved hammer away from him, because it made tapping noises.

Man Arrested Strolling Along the LaGuardia Tarmac

Seth Abramovitch · 06/02/11 12:18AM

The insane-ing of our airports continues with the story of Andre Reid, a 21-year-old from Mt. Vernon, NY, who was spotted strolling along the runway by the pilot of a US Airways airplane, just moments before it was about to take off. That "spooked" the pilot, the NY Post reports, leading him to "dump" the flight — a security re-screening of all passengers and luggage.

What It Looked Like When a Tornado Hit the St. Louis Airport

Seth Abramovitch · 04/24/11 09:48PM

First the good news: A miracle zero deaths have been reporting following the tornado that tore through Bridgeton, a densely populated suburb of St. Louis, on Friday night, passing directly through the airport. Sadly, though, 750 homes were damaged, with 100 of those destroyed entirely. But still! No casualties, and only "minor injuries" to five people. Locals are praising the local weather service, which blared sirens 34 minutes before the tornado hit, as well as "the grace of God," as the mayor put it.

Coming to America

cityfile · 07/31/08 11:56AM

The very first Airbus A380 "superjumbo" jet is scheduled to fly into JFK tomorrow afternoon, filled to capacity with 489 well-heeled people from Dubai. (It's an Emirates flight.) Great news for the numerous New Yorkers who travel there frequently, sure. Even better news for the city's property owners, who will have likely unloaded half a dozen office towers in Midtown by tomorrow evening. [Crain's]