
Hamilton Nolan · 01/14/14 03:21PM

More domestic airline flights are running late these days—17%, as compared to 14% a year earlier—but fewer passengers are filing complaints about it to the government, probably because they have suffocated in their seats.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/23/13 01:54PM

Citing lack of profitability, Singapore Airlines is ending its 19-hour Singapore-Newark route, the "world’s longest nonstop commercial flight."

Lacey Donohue · 09/26/13 08:27PM

A Federal Aviation Administration committee recommended Thursday that passengers be allowed to use smartphones, iPads, Kindles, etc., during takeoffs and landings as long as they're switched to airplane mode. It's now up to FAA officials to accept—and it's largely expected they will—the committee's recommendations.

World's Worst Idea: Porn on Planes

Brian Moylan · 11/08/11 05:10PM

Flying bargain basement Ryanair has a stupendously awful idea for a new in-flight entertainment system: It may soon start offering porn.

Sex Scandalized Airline Cancels Ill-Timed Ad Campaign

Jeff Neumann · 08/15/11 07:25AM

Hong Kong-basd airline Cathay Pacific on Friday said that two of its employees who were "shown in compromising situations" — read: having fun with a camera in the cockpit — were "no longer employees of the company." Well, fair enough. If you take oral sex pics in your place of work and they somehow leak (not judging!), you sort of deserve to be let go if you're in the service industry. But Cathay Pacific didn't stop there. As part of the airline's attempt to clean up its stained image, an advertisement campaign called "People and Service" was cancelled yesterday. What's so bad about that? Oh, the slogan, which claims that Cathay Pacific is "the team who go the extra mile to make you feel special." Yeah, good call canceling that one.

No Planned 9/11 Anniversary Specials, Says JetBlue

Seth Abramovitch · 07/31/11 10:39PM

Corporate Twits is an internet jokester whose shtick is to send prank tweets to corporate Twitter accounts, then post their responses to his Tumblr. Usually, they are very friendly and apologetic (like this exchange between Applebees and a supposedly obese woman who was reserved service). But a bad-taste tweet to JetBlue about 9/11 anniversary specials went a little too far in the friendly direction, earning a bizarrely sincere response from the airline. So, stay posted, I guess?

Half-Hour Brawl Breaks Out on British Airplane

Brian Moylan · 06/10/11 02:33PM

A 12-person fight broke out at 30,000 feet on a Virgin flight from England headed to Barbados. It had to be broken up by crew and other passengers. But what got the whole thing started?

Airlines Test Our Limits With Another Fare Hike

Richard Lawson · 04/08/11 02:32PM

Five major US airlines — AirTran, Delta, US Air, Virgin America, and JetBlue — have all recently raised (or will soon raise) their domestic round-trip airfare by $10. They say the hike was implemented as a way of countering rising jet fuel costs, but clearly it's just another example of the airlines taking us for a ride. (Figuratively. I understand that they already do literally take us for a ride.) How much more fare-raising will we stand before we resort to the old ways of the locomotive or a weary resignation that we'll just never see California? [AP, image via Shutterstock]

Air Traffic Controller Brought Blankets for Work Naps

Jeff Neumann · 04/07/11 04:20AM

Remember the air traffic controller who fell asleep at the controls on the graveyard shift in DC last month, forcing a pilot to land a passenger jet on his own? Well, there seems to be somewhat of a pattern developing here: FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt testified at a congressional hearing about the incident yesterday, and said that in February an air traffic controller at Knoxville, Tennessee's McGhee Tyson Airport was "found intentionally sleeping" on the job. And the best part? He brought pillows and a cushion with him!