
The Consiglieri of the Magazine World

Doree Shafrir · 01/29/10 05:33PM

This morning, New York editor Adam Moss lost deputy editor Hugo Lindgren to Bloomberg BusinessWeek. He's certainly not the only magazine-world EIC to have a trusted confidante on staff. But they're a dying breed.

The End of Greenwich Village High School?

cityfile · 02/10/09 07:56AM

It looks like Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter won't be available to educate your children after all. Although Greenwich Village High School was due to make its debut this fall, Andrea Peyser reports today that the school—backed by Carter, VF deputy editor Aimee Bell and actor John Leguizamo, among others—may never open at all, and the building was shuttered recently. Guess you'll have to be like everyone else and compete with 12,427 other parents for a precious spot at Dalton and Fieldston. Our condolences. [NYP]

Graydon's New School: Not as Glamorous as We'd Hoped

cityfile · 01/12/09 11:11AM

The Post's Andrea Peyser stopped by the Greenwich Village High School this weekend, the new private school backed by Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter, the mag's deputy editor, Aimee Bell, and actor John Leguizamo. Peyser is predictably outraged by the "selective, pretentious and pricey high school" and its proposed curriculum: "The plan is for kids to rub elbow pads with Carter-friendly Pulitzer Prize-winners. Students will learn about artifacts from a Museum of the City of New York curator, and Mandarin from random residents of Chinatown, all for an eye-popping $34,729 a year." Hold on for a moment. Random residents of Chinatown? That sounds awfully populist! Were Wendi Deng or Vera Wang unavailable? Next we'll hear that they're planning to hire regular gym teachers to teach PE classes instead of having Marc Jacobs lead students in daily workout sessions. A few months ago, The Daily put together a possible curriculum for the school and list of potential faculty members. Click here to see the larger version and consider the glam school that could have been.

High School Founded for Kids of Waverly Inn Crowd

cityfile · 09/19/08 11:38AM

What's more important than anything in these uncertain times? Making sure that your kids are given the ruling class advantages of a private school education, even if it means starting up a school yourself! Aimee Bell, who works at Vanity Fair, and Sara Goodman, the great-granddaughter of Bergdorf, are West Village neighbors who, unsatisfied with the choice of high schools available to their daughters, decided—why not?—to start their own with a little help from their friends.

Vanity Fair's New School More Exclusive Than Waverly Inn

Ryan Tate · 09/19/08 02:28AM

It's one thing for Graydon Carter to deem you worthy of, say, a 7 pm reservation at his 70-seat Waverly Inn. But if you really want an emblem of the Vanity Fair editor's approval, try getting your child admitted to the 45-child freshman class of Carter's other exclusive West Village institution, the forthcoming Greenwich Village High. The school is the brainchild of Carter deputy editor Aimee Bell, as first reported in the Observer, and her neighbor Sara Goodman. But according to the Times it's becoming something so much posher than all that!