
America's Funniest Video of the Day: Firehouse Prank

Zach Mack · 03/02/10 09:30AM

Anyone who has ever lived in a household of guys knows that pranks on one another are a part of your daily reality. It should come as no surprise, then, than fire houses are no different.

America's Funniest Video of the Day: Head Injuries

Zach Mack · 02/25/10 09:30AM

There's a fine line between someone's head injury being horrific and it being something that's acceptable to laugh at. As concussed as they may be, the people in these clips definitely fall more into the latter category.

America's Funniest Video of the Day: Laughing Gas

Zach Mack · 02/23/10 09:30AM

First, there was the viral video monstrosity that is "David After Dentist." But as anyone who's been to the dentist knows, that scenario is recreated all the time.