
Cheaters' Late Night Office Bone Entertains Pub Across the Street

Aleksander Chan · 02/04/15 01:27PM

Two employees of Christchurch, New Zealand insurance company Marsh, Ltd., engaged in an affair and in the throes of passion, started having sex in their office last Friday night. They apparently thought the building's tinted windows prevented others from seeing inside their well-lit sexscape. They were wrong.

Mid-'80s Martin Scorsese Classic Also His Best Accidental NPR Rip-Off

STV · 05/27/08 12:15PM

We vowed not to feel bad about drinking for 72 hours straight over the holiday, but seeing today how constructively Panopticist's Andrew Hearst spent his weekend, it's hard not to flog ourselves. After all, shouldn't our own curiosity have gotten the better of us years ago when we first heard those rumors about the screenplay for Martin Scorsese's most underrated '80s film, After Hours, being plagiarized from NPR host Joe Frank's 1982 monologue Lies? At any rate, Hearst now has audio that all but closes the book on this semi-scandal:

"Most of the damage happened after I passed out"

Joshua Stein · 01/02/08 03:48AM

On December 31st, Tracie Egan aka SlutMachine, a Jezebel writer and very well put-together woman (see photograph), hosted a party at her house. She even held a contest to be her date. We didn't go but apparently we missed some serious partying because today we got a very angry email/blog post. from her in which the phrase "passed out" "puked" and "Paypal" appear numerous times. Apparently her house is a mess. There's glitter on the floor, wine on the walls and a tampon on the couch. She needs help ($$$) cleaning up. As far as post-bacchanal pleas for renumeration go, this is tops and surely will be used as a template for other disgruntled party-throwers who happened to puke and pass out before someone spilled wine on their signed Dolly Parton poster. Now Egan is out $450, there's a hole in her wall and her "ass is really fucked up." Full tirade/plea/amazing artifact of our generation after the jump.

Inside The Carlyle Club's Late Night Party

Joshua Stein · 12/19/07 04:30PM

Yesterday David Foxley, the thin, sexy and VERY white reporter of the Observer, made mention of the new hotness at Cafe Carlyle. "Whereas the cabaret-restaurant used to close after the last act ended at around 12 a.m., it now stays open on Thursday thru Saturday nights until the party dies." Oh, doesn't that sound hot?

Please Welcome Joshua David Stein

Choire · 03/20/07 10:45AM

Joshua Stein has labored in the lifestyle trenches as the editor of Gridskipper since last June. Now, we are magically teleporting him over here to Gawker. As our new After Hours Editor, he'll report each day on restaurants, dining clubs, chefs, hotels, beignets, sommeliers, Meatpackers, gentrification and un-gentrification, and neighborhood culture. And Balthazar. You are encouraged to reach out to him at josh AT [UPDATE: Yes, he will be posting about things that occur after hours, not actually posting after hours. Also, he likes to spend his actual After Hours times with his FEMALE WOMAN GIRLFRIEND. We know!]