
Koch Bros' Group Being Completely Evil Ahead of Wisconsin Recall

Jim Newell · 08/01/11 04:22PM

Americans for Prosperity, the political action group funded by right-wing billionaires Charles and David Koch, is patriotically mailing out absentee ballot applications for the upcoming Wisconsin recall elections against Republican state senators. But guess what? The registration forms that AFP has been sending out have... the wrong ballot submission date! Good heavens, how could they miss such a "typo"?

North Korea Develops Anti-Aging 'Super Drink'

Jeff Neumann · 06/04/10 10:05AM

The official North Korean news agency KCNA has announced the development of a new drink that is loaded with all-natural "microelements" that can reproduce brain cells and halt skin aging. Added bonus: "The drink has no side-effect."

Fake Bhutto Boy Ruins Facebook for French Reporters

Hamilton Nolan · 01/21/08 02:00PM

Wire service Agence France Presse has forbidden its reporters from using Facebook as a source for their stories — after news organizations were fooled by a fake profile on the social network of Benazir Bhutto's son. Also banned, according to AFP's London bureau chief: references to Wikipedia, the collaborative online encyclopedia. Not nearly far enough: the internet itself is a perfidious Anglo-Saxon invention. France should have stuck with Minitel.